Written Jun 11, 2018


IELTS Part 2 and Part 3 Topics and Questions

Page 163

811.  An Achievement (Sep. 2017)   (Probably no longer used)

812.  An Advertisement that Influenced You (Sep. 2017)   (Probably no longer used)

813.  Your Teaching Experience (Sep. 2017)   (Probably no longer used)

814.  A Successful Businessperson You Admire (Sep. 2017)   (Probably no longer used)

815.  A Traditional Product (Sep. 2017)   (Probably no longer used)



FQ = frequent question = a question that has frequently been reported = a question that is probably in the examiner's question book

* = my guess at a question


811.  An Achievement (Sep. 2017)   (Probably no longer used)

Describe an achievement that you are proud of.

               You should say:

 what you did

 how you did it

 how difficult it was

 and explain why you felt proud after this achievement.



  • Another word for "achievement" is "accomplishment".

  • This topic is similar to previous topics about "succeeding" or reaching a goal. It is rare (or impossible) for a person to "achieve" without first having the goal (or intention) of reaching that achievement.


Possible follow-up questions:

  • Have you told others about this achievement?

  • Are your parents also proud of that achievement?


Part 3

See also any related questions at:

An achievement or success you have had: 811, 662, 416, 173, 109, 43.

An achievement or success you would like to have: 700, 609, 344,

Another person's achievement:  571, 296,

And: 595



In the Workplace


812.  An Advertisement that Influenced You (Sep. 2017)   (Probably no longer used

Describe an advertisement that caused you to buy something.

               You should say:

 what product was advertised

 where you saw the advertisement

 what the message of the advertisement was

 and explain how the advertisement caused you to buy the product.


Copy of Topic 464

Describe an advertisement that made you (want to) buy something.

You should say:

        what the product was

        where you saw / heard this advertisement

        what was in the advertisement

 and explain how the advertisement made you want to buy that product.




Possible follow-up questions:

  • Do you still see this advertisement?


Part 3

See also the Part 3 of Topics 740, 538, 464, 352, 297, 190, 170,  121 & 65.

Advertising in Your Country

Advertising and Children


813.  Your Teaching Experience (Sep. 2017)   (Probably no longer used)

Describe a time when you taught someone (such as a relative or friend).

               You should say:

 when this happened * 

 who you taught

 what you taught

   and explain how you felt. *



  • This topic has not been seen before.


Possible follow-up questions:


Part 3

See also any similar or relevant questions in the Part 3 of Topics 730, Topic 708, 683, 602, 525, Topic 375, 224, 154, Topic 127, Topic 91, Topic 89, Topic 82, Topic 77, Topic 18 & Topic 17.   See notes about "learn" and "study".


Teaching Children


814.  A Successful Businessperson You Admire (Sep. 2017)   (Probably no longer used)

Describe a successful businessperson you admire.

               You should say:

 who it is

 how you know about this person

 what they did to become successful

 and explain why you admire them.




Possible follow-up questions:


Part 3

Previous topics with similar questions are Topics 37, 79, 98, 306, 378, 398, 508, Topic 651, Topic 720, 786 & 744

Having One's Own Business (or, company)

Work in Your Country



815.  A Traditional Product (Sep. 2017)   (Probably no longer used)           

Describe a traditional product in your country.

               You should say:

 what it is

 what it is made of

 where you see it

 and explain when (or where) you see it. *




Possible follow-up questions:


Part 3

See also any related or similar questions in the Part 3 of Topics 729. Topic 677, 541, 446, 287 and 108

Traditional Objects (or, products)



Note 1

Instead of "elderly", the examiner might say, "much older than you", for example, your parents.

Note 2

Do you think its important for a business owner to take good care of their employees?

The examiner might use different words to "take care of". The question means, "Do you think its important for a business owner to pay attention to the human needs of their employees, and not just treat them as workers who produce the wealth of the company and of the company owner?" "Human needs" can be interpreted as "the welfare of the employees". 

Examples of this are – the health and safety of employees at work; the happiness and satisfaction that the employees feel at work; the fact that employees are human and need to feel that their employer values them as people; the fact that employees occasionally become ill and need time off from work; the fact that employees are not machines and need occasional breaks during the work day; the fact that employees need to have a vacation from work from time to time; the fact that many employees have a spouse and children and need to give time and attention to them; the fact that employees occasionally have personal problems that might interfere with their work performance; the fact that employees will one day retire and will need some form of income after they retire; the fact that low-paid employees might be struggling to find a cheap place to live, etc etc.

In most countries there are laws that compel employers to give attention to most of these needs of the employees. For example, there are laws that give employees a certain number of "sick leave" days per year whereby the employees do not lose any pay for  taking a day off because of illness.

Note 3

"Job security", or words similar to that, means an employee feels confident that he or she will not lose their job because the company fails or is not doing well and needs to lay off some workers. Similarly, the employees feel that their employer cannot easily fire them for no good reason. That is, they feel secure in their employment. Most Western countries have laws, or strong unions that make it difficult for employers to arbitrarily fire employees (= fire employees for no good reason). Of course, employees can be fired if they do something wrong such as stealing from the company, consistently perform badly in their work, or disrupt the smooth operation of the company in some way.

Note 4

Instead of "reputation", the examiner might ask a somewhat different question: "Do you think having contacts (or, connections) is important for a business to survive (or prosper)?"  In Chinese, this is 关系.

This question is referring to the idea expressed in the question, "How can (or do) businesspeople expand their social network?"

Note 5

"MBA" = a Master of Business Administration degree

Note 6

Do you think people in your country work too hard?

Here, "too" means excessively. When we say "too" (+ adjective or adverb) in English, it means problems result form this. For example, if you habitually eat too much, you will get fat. In Chinese, "too" for this meaning = 过度. Another meaning of "too" is "also" but that is not the meaning here.

Note 7

"Work long hours" = spend a lot of time working, for example, working 10 or more hours a day, or working 60 or more hours per week. The word, "workaholic" might be used by the examiner.

Note 8

A "traditional product" is something that is still produced today and is the same (or almost the same) as the product that has been produced in your country for several hundred or even several thousand years. This does not necessarily mean that the product is produced on a large scale – sometimes the product is produced today only as an art form or to keep the tradition alive when it was historically produced to be used as an object that served a useful purpose. At other times, the product is produced today simply as a tourist souvenir.  In China, you can still find paper that is produced today in the same way it was produced for hundreds of years even though it is cheaper and more efficient to produce paper in modern factories.

An object that someone might find by digging in the ground, or in a very old building, or see in a museum is better described as "a historical object" but it could also be described as "(an original) traditional product".

(Be careful of quoting these words verbatim in the test. You will lose points if the examiner realizes you are quoting a memorized answer, especially an answer written by someone else.)