Updated Aug. 1, 2017


IELTS Part 2 and Part 3 Topics and Questions

Page 115


571.  A Friend's Success  (May, 2014)  (Probably no longer used)

572.  A Sport You Like  (Possibly January, 2014)  (Probably no longer used)

573 A Foreign Country You Would Like to Visit  (May, 2014)  (Probably no longer used) 

574A Letter or Email You Wrote  (June , 2014)  (Probably no longer used) 

575.  Problematic Equipment  (June , 2014)  (Probably no longer used)



FQ = frequent question = a question that has frequently been reported = a question that is probably in the examiner's question book

* = my guess at a question


571.  A Friend's Success  (May, 2014)  (Probably no longer used)

Describe an achievement of one of your friends that made you feel proud.

               You should say:

who this friend was (or, is) *

what the achievement was *

how your friend celebrated this achievement *

and explain why you were proud of your friend's achievement. *





Possible follow-up questions:


Part 3

See also the Part 3 of Topics 43, 109, 173, 296, 344, 379 & 595

The Nature of Success

(Some of these questions seem to be unusually abstract and difficult! See any notes I wrote for previous topics related to success.)

Rewards for Success


572.  A Sport You Like  (Possibly January, 2014)  (Probably no longer used)

Describe a sport you like to watch or play.

You should say:

        what people wear in this sport

        what equipment is used in this sport

        how this sport is played 

 and explain why you like this sport.




Possible follow-up questions:


Part 3

See also the Part 3 questions for Topic 64, Topic 343, Topic  395 and Topic 516

See some vocabulary here.

Sport in Your Country

The Olympic Games

Professional Sports and Sports Stars


573 A Foreign Country You Would Like to Visit  (May, 2014)  (Probably no longer used) 

Describe a country you would like to visit for the first time. *

You should say:

        what country it is

        how long you would stay there

        in what season you would prefer to go there       

 and explain why you would like to visit this particular country.



  • Someone has reported the following wording, "Describe a country that you would choose to travel to if you had a chance to travel". This is the same meaning as shown above. Obviously it does not have to be a place that you strongly want to go to, but if there is a place that you do strongly want to go to, that would be suitable to talk about, using the words, "want to" more than, "would like to". See here for information on that point.
  • I suggest using a sentence such as "If I went there, I would + verb..." at least once to show that you know this grammar but don't repeat the full sentence too often, which is unnatural. Just say, "and I would ..." to add more points.
  • This seems to be a slightly different topic to Topic 495. But there is a chance that it actually is Topic 495, continuing in the test. Therefore you should pay particular attention to the Part 3 questions for that topic.
  • Avoid, "will + verb" in this answer because "will" is related to the idea of a future event that is has some degree of certainty to happen. Instead, say, "would + verb" after first saying something like, "If I went to this country, I would ...".  Notes about the use of "will" are included on this page.


Possible follow-up questions:

  • Have any of your relatives or friends been to that country? *


Part 3

See also the Part 3 of Topic 495.

Going Abroad as a Tourist

Going Abroad for Reasons Other Than Tourism

The Tourism Industry

Other Cultures


574A Letter or Email You Wrote  (June , 2014)  (Probably no longer used) 

Describe an important letter or email you wrote

You should say:

        when you wrote it

        who you it wrote to

        what you wrote about

and explain why it was important.



Possible follow-up questions:


Part 3

Letters & Emails

Communication Methods

Communication Skills


575.  Problematic Equipment  (June , 2014)  (Probably no longer used)

Describe a time when you had a problem with a piece of equipment (e.g., a TV or a washing  machine) *

You should say:

        what equipment

        what problem you had

        when you had this problem *       

and explain what you did about this problem. [Or: how you fixed (resolved) this problem]




Possible follow-up questions:


Part 3

See also any related Part 3 questions from the following topics:  Topic 300, 51, 149, 199, 268, 420 & 504

Note: The word "break" does not always mean the same as breaking a piece of glass. For example, we can say, "my computer is broken" just to mean it doesn't work any more. For cars, we use the term, "break down". Basically, for this topic, "broken" means "unusable".

Note that "equipment" is non-count. We have to say, "a piece of equipment", not "an equipment".

The Quality of Products / Equipment that Breaks Easily

New term - "planned obsolescence"

Equipment Used in Everyday Life

Electronic Equipment


Note 1

"Who most often writes emails, old people or children?" This is a direct translation of what someone wrote in Chinese but the real words of the examiner might have been different so listen carefully and answer according to the exact words that the examiner uses. Both "old people" (e.g., people over 60) and "children" (3 to 12 year-olds) don't write emails or use the internet very much compared to "young people" (e.g., 13 to 30-year-old people).

Note 2

The examiner might choose two other items to compare, such as a TV or a  refrigerator, a washing machine or a refrigerator etc.

Note 3

Think about what "lazy" really means. And think about human nature.