Updated Dec. 16, 2007


IELTS Part 2 and Part 3 Topics and Questions 

Page 11 


51.    A Piece Of Equipment   (September 16, 2006)  (Probably no longer used)

52.    A Library   (September 16, 2006)   (Probably no longer used)

53.    A Domesticated Animal  (Probably not a Part 2 topic)

54.    A Childhood Present   (September 16, 2006)  (Probably no longer used)

55.    Two People From the Same Family   (September 16, 2006)  (Probably no longer used)




51.  A Piece of Equipment   (September 16, 2006)  (Probably no longer used)

 Describe a useful piece of (electrical or electronic) equipment (such as a mobile phone or computer) that you use at home or at work.

               You should say:

                               what it is

                               where it is (or, how long you have been using it)

                               how you learned to use it

                and explain why this item is useful to you.        


Possible follow-up question:


Part 3

Electrical Appliances

    The following was the examiner's own question, not listed in the question book.

Office Equipment

Modern Technology & Human Progress


52.  A Library  (September 16, 2006)   (Probably no longer used)

Describe a library that you visited. (For example, a public library, school or university library)

               You should say:

                               where it was

                               what the library looks like *

                               what facilities it had (or, what type of library it was) 

                and explain why you went there. 



Possible follow-up question:


Part 3

Libraries (in China)


The Historical and Cultural Function of Libraries


53.  A Domesticated Animal (Probably not a Part 2 topic)

Note:  This seems to be a different topic to # 39, A Wild Animal, even though some of the Part 3 questions seem similar. I think (but I am not 100% sure), that  topic # 53 refers to a domesticated animal. (Someone wrote on the internet that it was 'a town animal'.)

 Describe a domesticated animal. (= Describe an animal that is used by people) in your hometown.

               You should say:

                               what the animal is

                               where it lives 

                               what it looks like 

                and explain how this animal is useful to people. *     


             and explain how you feel about this animal. *                                                         


Part 3




54.  A Childhood Present   (September 16, 2006)  (Probably no longer used)

 Describe a present (a gift) you received when you were a child

               You should say:

                               what the present was

                               who gave it to you

                               how you used this present

                and explain how you felt when you got this present.*                                          


Possible follow-up question:


Part 3

Present-giving in China

Children's Gifts/Toys


55.  Two People From the Same Family    (September 16, 2006)  (Probably no longer used)

 Describe two people who you know from the same family.

               You should say:

                               who these two people are

                               how much these two people have similar personalities (characters)

                               how much they look similar

              and explain how (how well) the two people get along with each other.                                                    


Possible follow-up question:


Part 3

(See also the Part 3 questions for Topic #70)

Personality Development

Family Life
