Updated January 24, 2017
IELTS Speaking Test
Index of Part 2
& Part 3 Topics and
Page 7
This page shows the Part 2 Topics that were
used from Jan 2014 to Dec. 2014. These are retired topics.
Go to Page 1 of this index
to see the Part 2/3 topics that were introduced into the test in late 2005,
in 2006 and in early 2007.
Go to
Page 2 to see the topics
that were introduced into the test in late 2007 and in 2008.
Go to
Page 3
to see the topics that were introduced in 2009.
Go to
Page 4
to see the topics that were introduced in late 2009, 2010 and in early 2011.
Go to
Page 5
to see the topics that were introduced from 2011 to May 2012
Go to
Page 6
to see the topics that were introduced from May 2012 to Sep. 2013
Go to
Page 8
to see the topics that were introduced in January, May & September, 2015
Go to
Page 9
to see the topics that were introduced in January & May 2016
The topics on Pages 1 to 5 are not being
used at the moment but sometimes an old topic does return to the test. When that
happens, I add it to the list of current topics and give it a name followed
by (2) or (3) if it is the second or third time that this topic has been
introduced into the test.
On this page, topics that have no label or have
the label
Still in
are definitely still being used in the test (in Mainland China).
I am very confident or quite confident that those
topics labelled as (Probably no longer used)
are no longer being used in the test (in Mainland China). You can consider any
topics labelled as
Possibly no longer used
as having a big chance of no
longer being used but there is a small possibility that they are still in use.
Click here to read an
526. A Time When Someone Helped You
(Oct. 19, 2013)
(Probably no longer used)
527. No Topic
528. A Tourist Attraction You Visited
(Sept. 2013)
(Probably no longer used)
529. A Friend Not Seen for a Long Time (2)
(Jan 9, 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
531. A Restaurant
(Jan 9, 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
532. A Building
(Jan 9, 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
533. Something You Forgot
(Jan 9, 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
534. An Intelligent Person
(Jan 9, 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
Something You
Saved For
(Jan 9, 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
536. No Topic
537. A Park or
(Jan 9, 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
538. An Advertisement
(Jan 9, 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
539. A Gift You Received in Your Childhood
(Jan 9, 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
540. An Old Thing in Your Family
(Jan 9, 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
541. A Product from Your Country
(Jan 11, 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
542. A Film You Didn't Like
(Jan 11, 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
A Class / Course You Studied
(Jan 11, 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
544. A Busy Time
(Jan 11, 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
545. No Topic
546. Another Culture
(Jan 18, 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
Activity with an Old Person (in Your Family)
(Jan 18, 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
548. A Comic Actor
(Jan 9, 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
549. A Magazine (Jan.
9. 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
550. Something
You Did to Help
(Jan 9, 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
551. A Photograph of You
(Sep, 2013)
(Probably no longer used)
552. A Family Celebration You Attended (May, 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
553. Your First Cell-phone
(May, 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
554. A Foreign Language You Would Like to Learn
(May, 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
555. A School You Attended
(May, 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
556. Something You Bought but Don't Often Use
(May, 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
557. An Indoor Game You Played in Your Childhood
(May, 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
558. A Good Law
(May, 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
559. Something You Shared
(May, 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
560. No Topic
561. Some Useful Advice that You Received
(May, 2014)
(Probably no longer used) (Moved
to Topic 632)
562. A Foreign Film You Enjoyed
(May, 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
563. A Famous Foreign Person
(May, 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
564. A Person who Has an Interesting Job
(May, 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
565. An Interesting Animal
(May, 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
Page 114
566. Something Special from a Holiday
(May, 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
Place Where You Would Like to Have a Home
(May, 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
568. No
569. A Time When You Stayed Away from Home (May, 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
570. A City You Have Visited (May, 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
Page 115
571. A Friend's Success
(May, 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
572. A Sport You Like
(Possibly January, 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
A Foreign Country You Would Like to Visit
(May , 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
574. A Letter or Email You Wrote
(June , 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
575. Problematic Equipment
(June , 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
Page 116
576. A Family Member You Like to Spend Time With
(May , 2014 ?)
(Probably no longer used)
577. No Topic
578. A Group Activity
(Sep. 4, 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
579. An Important Job
(Sep. 4, 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
580. A Beautiful or Handsome Person
(Sep. 4, 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
Page 117
581. A Traffic Jam (Sep. 4, 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
582. An Interesting Conversation
(Sep. 4, 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
583. A Waste of Time
(Sep. 4, 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
584. A Band or Singer
(Sep. 4, 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
585. A Healthy Activity
(Sep. 4, 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
Page 118
586. A Meal (Sep. 4, 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
587. A Borrowed Thing (Sep.
4, 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
A Gift You Made Yourself (Sep.
4, 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
A Friend's Habit (Sept., 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
590. A Book You Recently Read (Sep. 4,
(Probably no longer used)
Page 119
591. Someone You Would Like to be Similar To
(Sep. 4, 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
592. An Occasion When You Waited
(Sep. 4, 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
593. A Useful App
(Sep. 4, 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
594. A Radio or TV Program
(Sep. 4, 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
595. A Prize or Award
(Sep. 4, 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
Page 120
596. A School Friend (Sep. 4, 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
An Old Person
(Sep. 4, 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
A Project or Homework Assignment (Sept., 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
599. A Sportsperson (Sep. 4, 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
600. Good Service (Sep. 4, 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
Page 121
A Long Journey (May, 2014
(Probably no longer used)
602. Something You Would Like to Learn
(how) to Do (Sep. 4, 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
603. An Historic Place (Sept., 2014)
(Probably no longer used)
No Topic
No Topic