Updated Oct. 5, 2014


IELTS Part 2 and Part 3 Topics and Questions

Page 106


526.  A Time When Someone Helped You  (Oct. 19, 2013)  (Probably no longer used)

527.  No Topic

528.  A Tourist Attraction You Visited  (Probably no longer used)

529.  A Friend Not Seen for a Long Time (2)  (Jan 9, 2014) (Probably no longer used)

530A Positive Change in Your Life  (Jan 9, 2014)  (Probably no longer used)



FQ = frequent question = a question that has frequently been reported = a question that is probably in the examiner's question book

* = my guess at a question


526.  A Time When Someone Helped You  (Oct. 19, 2013)  (Probably no longer used)

Describe a time when a stranger helped you. (i.e., not a family member or a friend)

You should say:

        who helped you

        where this happened

        how they (= he or she) helped you

and explain how you felt after they helped you *


and explain how you benefited from this help *



  • Some people have reported this as "Describe a time when a stranger helped you". The card might use the word, "stranger" but it is more likely that it says, "someone you didn't know". A "stranger" is someone you have never seen before but, "someone you don't know" can be someone who you have seen before, such as a neighbour. Whatever the wording, you should not describe help that a family member or a friend gave you but, guessing from the Part 3 questions, it might be possible that help from a neighbour is suitable, as long as you didn't  really know this neighbour at the time they helped you, i.e., you didn't know the person's name and had never spoken to them before. But this person might not be a "stranger" now. That is, when you first move to live in a new place, all your neighbours are "strangers", at first .It can also be when you "move" to a new school, new class, new job etc.

  • Note written Feb. 23, 2014 - Apparently the word, "stranger" is really used in the question wording.


Possible follow-up questions:


Part 3

See also the Part 3 questions in previous "help" topics - 461, 392, 279, 210,  156, 104 & 28.

Helping Others in the Community

Children Helping Others


International Organizations that Help


527.  No Topic


528.  A Tourist Attraction You Visited  (Sept. 2013)  (Probably no longer used)

Describe a tourist attraction that you enjoyed visiting.

You should say:

        where it was

        who you went with

        what you did there

and explain what you enjoyed most about this place. *


and explain  what was interesting about this place. *




  • There seems to be some confusion with the wording of this topic.

  • It might specify a tourist attraction in your country, but this is not certain.

  • It might specify a tourist attraction that is not in your hometown, i.e., a place that you had to travel to.


Possible follow-up questions:


Part 3

See also the Part 3 questions for Topic 403

Tourist Attractions / Tourism

See Note

  • What types of tourist attractions are there in your country?  FQ 

  • (Similar to above, but more specific) What tourist attractions are there in your country?  FQ 

  • (Similar to above) What are some of the most famous tourist attractions in your country?  FQ

  • (Similar to above) What sorts of places in _____ (your country) do people in your country like to visit?

  • Do most people prefer to visit "famous" tourist attractions or do they prefer to go to not-so-famous places?

  • In your country, are the places that tourists like to visit today the same places that people visited 20 or 30 years ago?

  • Do you think different types of people prefer different types of tourist attractions? FQ

  • Do you think young people and old(er) people like to visit the same types of places?

  • Are the people in your country very interested in visiting very old (ancient) buildings?

  • Do you think tourist attractions are for tourists only or do local people visit them as well? (Why?) FQx2

  • Should (local) people be charged to enter museums and historical buildings?  FQx2

  • Should the entry charge be the same for foreign tourists and for local visitors? FQx2 See Note

  • Do you think schools students can benefit from having school excursions (trips) to historical sites?

  • Some people say that if you watch a TV program that shows the tourist attractions of a place then there's no need to visit that place. Do you agree with that?

  • What place in your country (a place you have not been to yet) would you visit, if you had the opportunity?


  • Do you (or, do people in your country) prefer a guided tour of a tourist attraction or do you usually prefer to explore it yourself?

  • Why do (some) people prefer to explore new places? See Note

  • (Similar to above but without "like to") Why do people explore new places?

  • Do you think the exploration of new places can help a nation (or, a government)?

  • What skills do you think a person needs if they want to go exploring?

  • How can a person or group be funded (= financially supported) for a major exploration project?

Landscapes/Scenery in Your Country

"Landscape" and "scenery" are not the same in meaning.

  • As tourists, do people in your country prefer to visit natural places or man-made made tourist attractions (e.g., cities)?  FQx2

  • (Similar to above) Do they prefer to visit natural places or cities?

  • What different forms of landscape are there in your country (and where are they)?

  • (Similar to above) What types of natural landscape (or, scenery) do people prefer to visit?

  • Do you think too many tourists visiting a natural place can damage the environment of that natural place?  FQx2

  • What do you suggest could be done to solve this problem?

  • In what other ways can (or is) the natural environment be damaged (by mankind's activities)? *

  • (Difficult question) Do you think there is a connection between the scenery (or landscape) of a place and the culture of the people who live there?

  • Generally speaking, what proportion of people in your country live in cities or big towns and what proportion live in villages or in the countryside?

  • Do you think culture is based more on city life, or on nature?

  • Do you think there is a global culture?  See Note

Children, Young People, and Tourism

Note: Some (or most) of these questions are probably using the words, "young people", not the word "children". "Young people" are from about 13 to 30 years old. "Children" are under 13.

  • Who do you think enjoys traveling for pleasure more, young people or adults? FQ

  • Who do you think enjoys traveling for pleasure more, children or adults? FQ

  • Do you think old people and young people choose to visit the same types of tourist spots? FQ

  • Do you think young people (or, children) are very interested in visiting (or seeing) monuments?

  • What types of places do young people (or, children) most like to visit?

  • How do children benefit from visiting tourist spots?

  • Do you think children benefit from visiting historic sites?


529.  A Friend Not Seen for a Long Time (2)  (Jan 9, 2014)  (Probably no longer used)

Version A

Describe an occasion when you met a friend who you hadn't seen for a long time.

               You should say:

                               who this friend was

                               when and where you met him/her

                               why you hadn't seen him/ her for a long time *                               

                and explain how you felt when you met him/her. *


Version B

Describe a friend you remember well from school who you haven't seen for a long time. *


Describe a friend you had in school. *

               You should say:

                               who this friend was

                               how / why you became friends

                               what you did together *                             

                and explain why you remember this person so well. *





Possible follow-up questions:


Part 3

See also Part 3 for Topic 412

Making Friends

Maintaining Friendships / Losing Contact with Friends

"Maintaining a friendship" = "keeping a friendship alive, or current"

Note: An "old friend" is a friend who you have had for a long time. On the other hand, a "former friend" is someone who was once a friend but who is not your friend now, usually because a problem arose between the two of you. But sometimes, "a former friend" is used to mean, "a friend from a long time ago who I have lost contact with" - this friendship was never really "broken", it just "faded away".



530A Positive Change in Your Life  (Jan 9, 2014)  (Probably no longer used)

(Modified copy of Topic 47 )                 

Describe an event that changed your life (or, changed you) in a good way. *                                                 

      You should say:

                  when it happened

                  where it happened

                  what the change was

       and explain how you benefited from this change.




Possible follow-up questions:


Part 3

See also Part 3 for Topic 47, Topic 92, Topic 148, Topic 194, Topic 266 & Topic 354


Moving Home

Changing Jobs


("Adapt" and "adjust" are similar but "adjust" is often followed by an object while "adapt" usually means "adapt oneself" and the word "oneself" is usually not spoken.)


"Young people" are aged from about 13 to 25 or even 30. "Teenagers", of course, are aged 13 to 19.

Relationships Between Different Generations of People

Note: In English, young people (such as you people preparing for the IELTS test) do not refer to other young people as "youngsters". It's only middle-aged and old people who use that word. That is, people sometimes refer to others who are about a generation or more younger than themselves as "youngsters". So if you are about 20 or 25 years old, you could possibly refer to kindergarten kids as "youngsters" but it is not very suitable for you to refer to high school kids using that word.
