Updated July 28, 2013
IELTS Part 2 and Part 3 Topics and Questions
Page 71
FQ = frequent question = a question that has frequently been reported = a question that is probably in the examiner's question book
* = my guess at a question
Describe a trip that took longer than you expected.
You should say:
when it happened
where you were traveling to
and explain why it took longer than you expected.
See Notes
Travelling in the City
What kind(s) transport would you recommend for people who want to travel around in your hometown? FQ
Does your hometown have any problems connected to transportation?
How do you suggest these problems could be addressed (or, solved)?
Is cycling very popular (or, very common) in your city?
What are the differences between traveling by car and traveling by bicycle in a city?
What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of cycling in the city? FQx2
How do you think the government could encourage more people to use bicycles in the city?
What do you think are the benefits of having a good public transportation system in a city?
How do you think transportation in cities will change in the future? FQ
Traffic Congestion in Cities
Why do we often have traffic congestion in (big) cities?
(Similar to above) What causes traffic problems in (big) cities?
What can the government do to ease this problem? FQx2
Do you use public transport?
How do you imagine public transport might change in the future?
Long-Distance Travel
What are some of the various reasons why people travel long distances? FQ
Do you think people are traveling long distances more today than in the past? (Why?) FQ
(Similar to above) Is it easier to travel long distances today than in the past? (Why?) FQ
How is long-distance travel today different to in the past (e.g., 50 years ago)? FQ
Do people in your country generally prefer to go on long trips or short trips? (Why?)
What effects does long-distance travel have on people?
Can long-distance travel ever create problems for people?
Does long-distance traveling have any effect on the environment? FQx2 (See note)
How do you think long-distance travel might change in the future?
How would you feel if you had the chance to travel in space? FQ
(Similar to above) What do you think it would be like to travel in space? FQ
Version B
From the information available so far (Sep. 7), the wording seems to be close to that of Topic 65. But it might be as simple as Version B, which someone seemed to report, more or less.
Since it is past tense, you must say "when", even if the card does not tell you to say that.
See also the Part 3 questions for
In general, what are the pros and cons of advertising? FQ
Do you think there's too much advertising in our daily lives? FQ
Do people in your country like advertisements?
The Influence of Advertising
In what ways do advertisements influence people? FQ
Do advertisements have much effect on you?
Do you think children are influenced by advertising in the same way that adults are?
Advertising Media
What are the main ways that advertising reaches people?
(Similar to above) What are the different forms of advertising that we have in society today? FQx2
How do advertisements differ between the different forms of media?
(Similar to above) How are advertisements on TV different to those in magazines or on the radio?
Which of those do you think is the most effective means of advertising? FQx2
The Effectiveness of Advertising
What is the purpose of advertising?
How do advertisements (attempt to) achieve this purpose? [For example, do any advertisements for cars attract you?]
Do you think most advertisements achieve their purpose? (Why? / Why not?) FQ
How are these advertisements effective (= successful)? FQ
(Similar to above) What makes a "good" advertisement? FQ
(Similar to above) In general, what makes an advertisement effective? FQ
(Similar to above) What makes an advertisement attractive to people? FQ
(Similar to above) What types of advertisements do people remember most (or, best)? FQx2
What would happen if a product was not advertised?
The Cost of Advertising
Some people say that the high cost of advertising adds to the price of products and that if advertising was (were) banned, this would make products cheaper. Do you agree? FQ
Possible Negative Effects of Advertising
Do you think (the contents of) advertisements are good?
Do you think there should be any controls put on advertising?
Are there any problems concerning advertising in your country?
Do you think advertising should strictly give truthful information about the products being advertised?
Who controls advertising in your country?
Do you think the government should have more (or stricter) control over (or, regulations concerning) advertising? FQx2
Do children pay attention to (or, like) advertisements? FQ
What do you think is the impact of advertising on children? FQx2
Do you think advertising a certain product can ever have negative effects? FQx2
What about adverting tobacco and alcohol - do you think these products should be advertised at all (or regulated)? FQx2
Brand Names Frequent sub-topic
What are some (famous) brands names that are especially popular with young people (or, teenagers)?
Why do you think young people are attracted to some particular brands?
In what ways are some advertisements aimed especially at young people (or, teenagers)?
Do you think the brand of a product is important to people? FQ
For the producer (the company that makes a product), what are the advantages of having a well-known brand name? FQ
Do you think the products with the less well-known brands (= the less advertised brands) are competitive with the well-known brands?
Are well-known brand name products cheaper or more expensive than products that have no brand name (or whose brand name is not well known)? (Why?)
Do you think too much money is spent advertising brand name products?
What do you think would be the result if less money were spent on this advertising? *
Internet Advertising
Is there much advertising on the internet?
Why do many websites have advertisements?
What do you think of these advertisements?
It might not specify "from your country".
Make sure you read the notes for Topic 134.
See also the Part 3 questions for Topic 39, Topic 134 and Topic 244.
Besides the animal you just spoke about, what other wild animals are there in your country (or, around where you live)?
Attitudes Towards Wild Animals
In general, how do people in your country feel about wild animals?
(Similar to above) In general, what is the attitude of people in your country towards wild animals?
Do you like (all) wild animals? (Why?/Why not?) FQ
(Similar to above) In general, do you think people like wild animals? FQ
Are there any wild animals that you dislike? (Why?) *
What about lions and tigers, do you like them? After all, they sometimes eat people!
In your country, are people's attitudes towards wild animals today the same as people's attitudes in the past?
Do people in the rural areas have the same feelings about wild animals as people in the cities?
Wild Animal Protection
Do you think (all) wildlife should be protected? FQx2
How/why are some wild animals endangered?
In your country, who takes responsibility for protecting wild animals?
Are there any special organizations in your country that help protect wild animals?
Is the government in your country doing anything to protect wild animals? FQ
(Similar to above) In what ways are wild animals protected in your country? FQ
Do you think it's (always) worth it if the government spends a lot of money to protect a wild animal? FQ
Are people in your country very aware about animal protection?
(If "no" for the question above) What do you suggest could be done to make people more aware of this issue?
What is the purpose of zoos?
Do you think zoos have educational value?
Questions about zoos are being used. See Topic 39, Topic 134 and Topic 244 for these questions
Do many people in your country have a pet at home?
What pets do people in your country like to have?
Do you think the fish that some people keep at home can be called "pets"?
Why do some people have fish in their homes?
Why do people have (or, keep) pets? FQx2
Do you think there are benefits for children to have a pet (in the family home)?
Do you think having an animal in the home can ever be dangerous? FQ
(Similar to above) Do you think a pet can ever present a safety hazard to children? FQ
What animals do you think are unsuitable to have as pets in the home?
Do you think it's cruel to keep a dog in an apartment?
Human Relationships with Animals
In what ways do humans use animals?
In what ways do animals bring benefits to people?
What animals have economic value for human beings? FQ
(Similar to above) Do animals contribute to the economy of a country (of your country)? FQ
Do people in your country raise animals (on farms) in order to make money? (What animals?)
Some people (vegetarians) choose not to eat meat. Why do you think they make that choice?
What do you think about eating dog meat (eating dog / eating the meat of dogs)?
Copy of Topic 47
I am guessing it is similar to (or the same as) Topic 47. However, the wording might be closer to Topic 92 or Topic 148.
Even if the card does not use the word "change", any event or experience that has an impact/impression/effect on you produces some change, even if the change is just a new way of thinking or a new understanding about something.
Even if the card does not say, "when" you must specify this whenever you use the past tense, even if you just say, "One day, ..." or "Many years ago, ...".
See also the Part 3 questions for Topic 47, Topic 92, Topic 148, Topic 194, Topic 266
Different Types of Change
Changes in Different Periods of One's Life
Generally speaking, what are some of the major changes that occur to people throughout their lives?
Are there any problems that occur as a result of any of these changes? *
How do you suggest people could manage these problems? *
Personal Change
("Personal change" here means changing something about yourself, such as stopping bad habits/attitudes or adopting new good habits/attitudes. This sub-topic is also about choosing to make changes your lifestyle, job, place of residence, hobbies etc..)
Do you think (personal) change is good?
(Similar to above) Do you think people need to make changes in their lives sometimes? FQ
Do you think people should make changes to themselves? (Habits)
How do you think a person can make changes to themselves?
Do you think it's easy to make these changes?
Social Changes
Have there been any changes in your society in the past few decades? FQx2
How do you think the internet has changed society?
Have there been any changes to families in your country?
Have there been any changes in the roles of males and females in society/the family?
Have there been any changes in people's attitudes towards children and old people?
Changes to Cities
How has your hometown changed in the past few years (e.g., 10 to 50 years)?
What caused these changes?
Work Changes
How has the work situation in your country changed, compared to the past (10 to 50 years ago)?
Do you think all of these changes have been changes for the better or have some changes in the work situation been for the worse? (Hint: unemployment)
The Reaction of People to External Change
(You can think of "external change" as change that occurs around people, whether they choose to help this change occur or not.)
In what ways does external change (e.g., change in society) affect people?
Do different people have different reactions to changes that occur around them? FQ
Who do you think can cope with this change better, children or old people? FQ
Do you think the pace of change (the speed of change) has an effect on people?
Do you think the pace of change right now is too fast?
Would you say that most of the changes that have occurred in the past few years have been positive or negative? *
Technological Changes & Work Frequent Sub-topic
In what ways have changes in technology changed people's lives (or, changed society)?
Have changes in technology changed the workplace very much (in the past few decades)? FQ
(Similar to above) Has modern technology changed the way people work (compared to the past)? FQ
What effects do these changes have on people?
Do you think these changes affect employment very much?
In the future, how do you think technology will change the employment situation of people?
Do you think the speed of these technological changes has been too great, or is it just right?
Do you think these are changes for the better, or for the worse?
Has technological change resulted in changes to the way people communicate?
Has technological changes resulted in changes to the way people spend their free time?
What technological changes do you imagine we might see in the future? *
Version A
Describe a book you recently read that you would (like to) recommend to others. *
You should say:
what book it was
what the book was about
why you read it (发音是, "rеd", 过去时)
what you learned from this book
and explain why you would (like to) recommend it.
Version B
Describe a book you enjoyed reading.
You should say:
what book it was
what the book was about
who wrote it
why you read it (发音是, "rеd", 过去时) *
and explain why you liked this book.
Note (written August 9, 2012) For several weeks many people have been reporting this as, "A book you would recommend". However, it is possible that the word, "recommend" is only used in a follow-up question that the examiner asks and is not part of the wording that is written on the card.
Since this "book" topic was first introduced into the test in September 2011, it is possible that the original wording was changed to a slightly different wording at some time, such as in May, 2012. But that would not change the basic idea of this Part 2 question very much - it's basically like Version A or Version B or possibly a combination of those two.
One person has reported this as similar to Version B. This is a little simpler than Version A. This person also reported the follow-up question as, "Would you like to read it again?" I think Version B, with that follow-up question, is more likely. But be prepared for Version A.
Of course, you must choose only one example. That is, one particular book, not a type of book.
Make sure you pronounce the past tense or past participle "read" differently to the present tense "read". The spelling is the same but the pronunciation is different.
"Read" here does not necessarily mean "read from beginning to end". However, when people read a novel, they invariably read it to the end!
Examples of books that people read more than once are: textbooks, reference books, handbooks, guide books (such as a guide to touring a certain place), religious and inspirational books such as the Bible, self-help and "how to" books, and any literature that you particularly enjoyed, such as a novel or book of poetry.
If the book was a novel, don't fall into the trap of trying to describe a whole story in your Part 2 answer. Just summarize what the story was in two or three sentences.
See also the Part 3 questions for all the previous
"book" topics, especially
Reading Books in Your Country
Do you like reading? FQ
(Similar to above) Do people in your country like to read (books)? FQ
What kinds of books are most popular in your country? (Why?) FQx2
Do you think young people today read (or like reading) as much as they did a few decades ago?
Do you think reading is important? FQ
In the future, what changes do you imagine we might see to the way people read books? FQ
With the development of electronic technology, do you think people in the future will still be reading books in the future?
Do you like to read books on the internet (or, electronic books)?
Now that we have this computer technology, why do we need to have paper books?
What do you think are the differences between electronic books (or books on the internet) and paper books?
Do you think there are some people today who still prefer to read the paper version of a book?
(Compared to electronic books,) what do you think are the advantages of paper books? FQx2
(Compared to paper books,) what do you think are the advantages of electronic books? FQx2
Do you think paper books will eventually be replaced by electronic books? FQx2
Why do you think some people like to keep books?
Are libraries very useful (or, convenient) to you?
Why do people sometimes prefer to borrow books from libraries instead of buying them?
Some people like to collect books (or keep books after they have read them). Why do you think they do that? FQ
(Similar to above) Some people prefer to own books rather than borrow books. What are the advantages to owning books? FQ
Children and Reading
What sorts of books do children prefer to read?
Do you think reading is important for children?
Do you think it's suitable to teach very young children to read?
At what age do you think children should start learning to read?
Do you think it's important to encourage children to read (more)? FQ
How could that be done? FQ
Do you think compulsory reading (in school) is a good idea? FQ
Do you think children who read a lot and children who play a lot of electronic games are different?
Do you think children who read a lot have more patience than those who don't?