Updated Sep. 3, 2007


IELTS Part 2 and Part 3 Topics and Questions 

Page 10


46.    Some Recent News   (Date unsure)

47.    A Positive Change  (Probably no longer used)

48.    Something You Saved For   (September 2, 2006) (Probably no longer used)

49.    Someone Who Spoke A Different Language   (September 2, 2006) (Probably no longer used)

50.    Your Work  (June 17, 2006)




46.  Some Recent News   (Date unsure)

There are two possible task cards for this. 

The most likely task card at the moment is the first one here


Describe some interesting  news (新闻) that you recently read about or heard about. *

                                         You should say:

                                                    what the story was (or, who was involved in this news)

                                                    how you heard about this story *

                                                    when you heard this news *

                                        and explain why this news story was interesting to you. 


                                       and explain your reaction when you heard this news. *


Possible follow-up question:


Describe some interesting news (消息) that you received recently.

                                         You should say:

                                                    what the news was about (or, what happened)

                                                    who told you this news (or, how you heard this news)

                                                    (when you heard this news)

                                                    who was involved in this news

                                          and explain why it was interesting to you.


Part 3

Many of the following (those marked with *) are guesses at possible Part 3 topics and questions.


News Media  (as opposed to entertainment media)



Journalism *


47.  A Positive Change  (Probably no longer used)

                   Describe an event that resulted in a positive change in your life.

                                         You should say:

                                                    when it happened

                                                    where it happened

                                                    what the change was

                                         and explain how you have benefited from this change *

                                        ( or, explain how you feel about this change) *


Part 3

Changing jobs 

Young People and Change

Changes in China


48.  Something You Saved For   (September 2, 2006) (Probably no longer used)

        Describe something that you saved money to buy.

                            You should say:

                    what it was

                                     how long it took you to save enough money to buy it

                    why you wanted to buy this thing

              and explain how you felt when you bought it.


Possible follow-up questions:


Part 3

Saving in China

Children (young people?) and Money



49.  Meeting Someone Who Spoke A Different Language   (September 2, 2006) (Probably no longer used)

                        Describe a person you met who spoke a different language to you. 

                                         You should say:

                                                    where you met this person

                                                    what this person looked like*

                                                    how you met them (= him or her)

                                         and explain what you learned from this person.*


                                        and explain how this person helped you.*                       


Possible follow-up question:


Part 3

See also Part 3 for Topic 29.

Cross-cultural, cross-linguistic and international communication

[HINTS: 1) religious intolerance, 2) political intolerance, 3) bitterness/prejudice resulting from history, 4) different social customs especially regarding what is good and bad manners, 5) racial prejudice, 6) different customs regarding appropriate behaviour towards people of the opposite sex, 7) different customs regarding how to show respect and who to show respect to, 8) different customs regarding appropriate clothing in public, 9) accidentally or deliberately insulting the culture of the other person, 10) misunderstandings resulting from mistakes when speaking a foreign language]

Going Overseas

Cultural Exchange and 'Globalization'

[Note: Although some people include the idea of increasingly close cultural relations under the term 'globalization', most people restrict 'globalization' to mean global commercial integration.]


50.  Your Work   (June 17, 2006)


  1.  If you are working, you should include this as a topic to prepare, even if your test is after June 2007.

  2. This topic has only been reported a couple of times. Read for yourself what one person reported for this topic, in Dalian on Dec. 9, 2006. It is message #64.

  3. Another posting for this topic was made on June 17, 2006 at This posting begins with "以下引用hench1969发言:"


Describe the work that you do.                

            You should say:                               

what you do                              

where you work *                               

what problems, if any, you have with your work                  

   and explain what personal qualities (attributes) are most important for your job. * 


            and explain what qualifications you need for this job, for example, education and/or experience. *


Part 3

(Note: There is only a little information for Part 3 of this topic. See also the Part 3 questions for topic # 22)

Work and Interpersonal Relationships
