Updated Oct. 21,  2011


IELTS Part 2 and Part 3 Topics and Questions

Page 56


276.  A Hobby (May, 2010)  (Probably no longer used)

277.  An Interesting Job (May 2010)  (Probably no longer used)

278.  A Film (5) (May, 2010)  (Probably no longer used)

279.  A Person you Helped (3)  (May, 2010)   (Probably no longer used)

280.  Someone Who Spoke a Foreign Language (Sep. 4, 2010)(Probably no longer used)



FQ = frequent question = a question that has frequently been reported = a question that is probably in the examiner's question book

* = my guess at a question

276. A Hobby (May, 2010)  (Probably no longer used)

Describe a hobby you had when you were a child. *

                You should say:

what it was

how you did this activity (Or: What was involved in this hobby)

how (and when) you became interested in this hobby (Or: How you started doing this hobby)

and explain why you liked doing this*


and explain what you gained from this hobby *





Possible follow-up questions:


Part 3



Leisure Time


No-one has reported the following questions yet but they are highly likely.

  • What benefits do people get from having hobbies? *

  • Can a hobby ever become a "problem"? *

  • Do people of different ages have the same hobbies? *

  • Compare children's hobbies with adults' hobbies? *

  • Compare young people's hobbies with old(er) people's hobbies? *

  • What influences (factors) cause people to choose one hobby instead of another? *

  • How do you think people's choice of hobbies will (or might) change in the future? *

  • If you had the choice of any new hobby, which one would you choose (and why)?  *


277.  An Interesting Job (May 2010)  (Probably no longer used)

Describe an (interesting) job you would like to try.

You should say:

what job it is

what people do in that job

where you heard or read about it

and explain why you think it would be interesting work to do. *    


and explain why you would like to try that work. *         


See Notes


Possible follow-up questions:


Part 3

See also the Part 3 questions for Topic 97, Topic 22, Topic 50, Topic 139, Topic 201

Working Conditions and Benefits

See the third definition on this page and here of the word, "benefits". See also some notes here.

See note on the words, "boss" and "employer".


Salaries & Benefits

Career Choices

Choosing a Career

Preparation in School for Work

Finding a Job

Work Skills and Important Personal Traits for Employees



278.  A Film (5) (May, 2010)  (Probably no longer used)

Describe a film you have recently seen.

You should say:

where you saw it

what the film was about

who you saw it with

what you liked or disliked about this film.

and explain why you chose to watch this particular film.




Possible follow-up questions:


Part 3

See also the Part 3 questions for Topic 200.

Film-watching Preferences in Your Country

The Influence of Films

The Films that Children & Teenagers Watch

(For some of these questions, the word "children" or the word, "teenagers" might be used.)


The Film Industry

The Future of the Film Industry

Making Films


279.  A Person you Helped (3)  (May, 2010)   (Probably no longer used)

               Describe a time when you helped someone.

                     You should say:

                               who you helped

                               how you helped them

                               why you helped them (or, why he or she needed help)

and explain how you felt when/after you helped this person.





Possible follow-up questions:


Part 3

See also the Part 3 questions for Topic 156

Helping People

Who Needs help?

Helping Children and Old People

Family Help

Helping Foreigners in Your Country

  • Do you think foreigners (not just to your country but in any country) need special help? FQ

  • (Similar to above) In what ways do you think foreign tourists (to your country) might need help? FQx2

  • How can they get this help?

  • (Similar to above) Who can give (or, who gives) these foreigners this help? (Or: Who helps these foreigners?) FQ

The "Helping" Professions

Children Learning to Help Others

Charitable Organizations ( or, Non-Profit Organizations)


280.  Someone Who Spoke a Foreign Language (Sep. 4, 2010)  (Probably no longer used)

Describe a person you met who spoke (or, speaks) a foreign language.

                         You should say:

                                    where you met this person  

                                    what this person was like*

                                    what this person does (work, study etc.) *

                          and explain what you learned from this person.





Possible follow-up questions:


Part 3

See also the Part 3 questions for Topic 49, Topic 138 and Topic 171

Communicating with Foreigners

Living Overseas (or, Migrating)

See also Part 3 for Topic 90, Topic 112, Topic 115

