Updated June 10, 2014


IELTS Part 2 and Part 3 Topics and Questions

Page 104


516.  A Sports Event  (Sept. 2013)  (Probably no longer used)

517.  Your Favourite Season or Time of the Year  (Sept. 2013)  (Probably no longer used)

518.  No Topic

519.  A Place Near Water  (Sept. 2013)  (Probably no longer used)

520A Television Program You Like  (Sept. 2013)  (Probably no longer used)



FQ = frequent question = a question that has frequently been reported = a question that is probably in the examiner's question book

* = my guess at a question


516.  A Sports Event  (Sept. 2013)  (Probably no longer used) 

Modified Version of Topic 343

Describe a sports event that you took part in or watched. *

               You should say:

                               what the event was (or, what the sport was) *

                               where it was

                               who was competing *

                               what you did during this competition *

               and explain how you felt about this event. *




Possible follow-up questions:


Part 3

See also the Part 3 questions for Topic 64, Topic 343 and Topic  395

Sport (and exercise)

Note: It's possible that the word, "exercise" is used instead of "sport" for some of these questions.


Children and Sport

Playing Sport for a Living (Professional Sport)

Competition at School (esp. in sport)

This topic seems to be about competition in general, including academic competition, not just sports competition

  • Do you think there is too much emphasis on competition in schools?

  • Do you support a ranking system (or streaming) for grouping students at school into different classes?

  • What do you think are the pros and cons of team sports versus individual sports?

  • (Similar to above) Which do you think is better for children and young people to take part in, team sports or individual sports? FQ

  • Do you think sports competitions are really necessary in schools?

  • Do you think competition (in general) at school is good for children?  FQx2

  • How do you suggest children could be encouraged to be competitive at school?

  • Do you think it's good for school children to receive rewards (or trophies) for achievement in school? FQx2

  • Does giving awards to winners cause disappointment and depression among others?

  • Besides sport, what are some other examples of competition in your society? FQ

  • Do schools in your country also have competitions in cultural activities besides sport? FQ

  • Do you think it's important for children (or young people) to learn how to take part in team work?

  • Which would you say team activities promote more, competition or co-operation?

  • Do you think competition for children can ever do harm to them?


517.  Your Favourite Season or Time of the Year  (Sept. 2013)  (Probably no longer used)

Copy of Topic 164

        Describe your favourite season or time of the year. 

              You should say:

                      what season (or time of the year) it is

                      what the weather is like at this time

                      what people usually do at this time (or, what you usually do at this time)

              and explain why you enjoy that season or time of the year


             and explain why you enjoy that season or time of the year more than other seasons or times of the year.




Possible follow-up questions:


Part 3

- See also the Part 3 for the following topics: 25, 95, 164 & 406.

- The sub-topic of 'Work and the seasons' was especially prominent for Topic 164.

- Also see any relevant questions in the Part 3 of these topics: Topic 180, Topic 227 & Topic 373.

The Seasons

Work and The Seasons  Frequent sub-topic

Climate / Weather

See notes on my personal opinion on the topic of man-made global warming at     


518.  No Topic


519.  A Place Near Water  (Sept. 2013)  (Probably no longer used)

Copy of Topic 407

Describe a place near water (such as a river, a lake or the ocean) that you enjoyed visiting.

               You should say:

                               where this place was 

                               what you did at this place

                               who you went there with

               and explain why you liked this place. *


              and explain what you liked or disliked about this place. * 



  • It is not certain that this is a return of a previous topic, but it probably is.


Possible follow-up questions:

  • Do you often go to that place?


Part 3

See also the Part 3 questions for Topic 407, Topic 312 as well as Topics 207 and 140.

Some of the questions form Topic 456 might also be used.

Water Resources

  • What is the importance of water?

  • (Similar to above) Is water very important?

  • What are the main sources of water that humans use?

  • (Similar to above but more specific) What are the main sources of drinking water for people?

  • Do you think water resources need to be protected?

  • How can we (society) help protect these water resources?

  • What's the government in your country doing to protect these resources?

  • Do you think it's important for people to save (= not waste/conserve) water? FQx2

  • How can people save water? FQx2

  • What are some examples of ways that water is wasted?

  • Do you think water pollution is a serious problem?

  • What do suggest could be done to tackle this problem?

Recreational Activities on/in/near Water

  • What are some recreational activities that people do in/on/near bodies of water? FQ

  • Do you think people who do not live near a beach prefer to go to a beach to swim or do they prefer to swim nearer to their home?

Learning to Swim Frequent Sub-Topic

  • Do you think it's safe for young children to play near water?

  • Do you think everyone should learn to swim? FQx2

  • (Similar to above) Do you think it's important to learn how to swim? FQx2

  • Do you think small children should also learn to swim?

  • Do you think people who live inland (far from the sea) should also learn to swim?

Bodies of Water

  • In what ways do you think (a river,) a lake and the ocean are different?  FQ

  • Is there much difference between what people do when they go to a lake compared to what they do when they go to the seaside?

  • What are the differences between a river and the ocean (the sea)?  FQ

  • Which of those do you (or, would you) prefer to visit?

  • Is the sea (the ocean) very important (to you)?

  • Can you suggest why people enjoy spending time near water? FQ

  • Do you agree that water has a calming effect on people?

  • What differences are there between the scenery near a lake and the scenery near the ocean?

  • Which do you think is more important for mankind, to explore outer space or to explore the world's oceans? FQ


520A Television Program You Like  (Sept. 2013)  (Probably no longer used)

Version A

Modified Version of Topic 372

Describe a TV program that you like to watch.

                You should say:

what type of program it is

when you watch it (or, how often you watch it)

what the contents of the program are ( = what the program is about)

and explain what you learn from this program. *


and explain why you like this program. *


Version B  (past tense)

Describe a TV program that you enjoyed watching

                You should say:

what type of program it was

when you watched it

what the contents of the program were

and explain what you learned from this program. *


and explain why you liked this program. *




  • The word "program" can be used to mean the name of a TV show that is shown regularly, such as every Saturday night. That is Version A. It can also have a second meaning, i.e., a particular episode of a TV show that was shown on a particular date. That is Version B.

  • There is a chance that the follow-up question,  "Would you like to watch that program again?" is being used because one or two people seem to have reported that. If that is accurate, it might mean that Version B is the correct wording because it doesn't fit Version A. (For Version B. it is possible that it was the only time you have ever watched that program.) 

The wording for this topic seems to be unclear. Overall, I still think there is a 60% chance that the real wording is Version A, and 40% that it is Version B. So you should prepare for both. A few people have reported Version A but most people just report, "TV program you like", which I think is still closer to Version A than Version B.


Possible follow-up questions:

  • Would you like to watch that program again? *


Part 3

See also the Part 3 questions from Topic 372

TV-Watching Preferences

  • What types of TV programs are popular in your country? FQ

  • Do the elderly like to watch the same programs that young people like to watch? FQx2

  • What types of programs are most popular with young people? (e.g., aged 15-25)  FQ

  • (Similar to above) What types of programs do children like to watch? (e.g., aged 4-12)

  • Do you think young and old people all like to watch the same types of TV programs? FQ

  • In general, do you think people watch too much TV?

  • What effects can (or, does) television have on children?

  • Some parents don't let their children watch TV at all. Do you think that is good?

  • What types of TV programs do you like to watch?

  • What types of TV programs do you think will be most popular in the future?

The Educational Value of TV Programs

  • Do TV programs in your country tend to be educational or are they mostly just for entertainment? FQx2

  • (Similar to above) Do you learn anything from TV programs?  (See Note) FQx2

  • (Similar to above) Do you think people learn anything from TV programs? FQx2

  • (Similar to above) Do you think TV programs have any educational value? FQx2

  • What do you think are the major differences between educational TV programs and those that are made purely for entertainment?

  • Which do people in your country prefer, educational TV programs or entertainment programs?

  • What do you think are the advantages and the disadvantages of having a 24-hour live news TV channel?

  • Do you think there should be more educational programs, or more entertainment programs in your country?

Television Advertisements

(In the U.S., TV & radio advertisements are called, TV or radio "commercials", which is short for, "commercial announcements". An American or Canadian examiner might use this word.)

  • Do you think people like to watch advertisements on TV? FQ

  • Do you think advertising on TV is good?

  • (Similar to above) Do you like to watch ads on TV?

  • Can you suggest why some people like watching TV ads?

  • Do you agree that advertisements break the continuity of programs?

  • In your country, what type of balance is there between the advertisements during a program, and the program itself?

  • What's the purpose of ads on TV?

  • Do you think the government should do more to regulate TV advertising?

  • Do you think there are too many advertisements on television?

  • In a typical one-hour TV program, about how much time is spent showing advertisements?

  • (If you say yes to the question above) What do you suggest could be done about the problem of too many advertisement? FQ

  • (Slightly different to above) What do you think should be done about this problem? FQ

  • (Similar to above but more general) What do you suggest could be done to regulate advertising on television? FQx2

International Television

  • Why do you think there is an increase of international programs on local channels nowadays?

  • Why do you think international (or, foreign) TV programs are popular (or, becoming more popular)?  FQ

  • What do you think is the effect of 24 hour news like CNN and BBC on society?
