Updated Oct. 25, 2010


IELTS Part 2 and Part 3 Topics and Questions

Page 46


226.  A Restaurant You Like  (Sept 5, 2009) (Probably no longer used)

227.  The Perfect Climate  (Sept 5, 2009) (Probably no longer used)

228.  A Job You Did Quickly  (Sept 5, 2009) (Probably no longer used)

229.  A Book You Read When You Were a Child (2) (Nov 14, 2009) (Probably no longer used)

230.  Your Favourite Subject at School (2) (Nov 14, 2009) (Probably no longer used)



FQ = frequent question = a question that has frequently been reported = a question that is probably in the examiner's question book

226.  A Restaurant You Like  (Sept 5, 2009) (Probably no longer used)

Version A

Describe a restaurant you like (to go to). *

        You should say:

                where this restaurant is

                what type of food the restaurant has

                why you go to this restaurant

        and explain why you like this restaurant.


Version B

Describe a restaurant you enjoyed eating in. *

        You should say:

                where this restaurant was

                what type of food the restaurant had

                why you went to this restaurant

        and explain why you liked this restaurant.




Possible follow-up questions:


Part 3

See also the Part 3 of Topic 117.

Expensive and Cheap Restaurants

Traditional and Fast Food Restaurants

School Food


227.  The Perfect Climate  (Sept 5, 2009) (Probably no longer used)

Describe (your idea of) the perfect climate (for example, rainy, dry). *

        You should say:

                what climate it is / what is is like (or, what this climate would be like)

                what season it is usually in

                where this climate usually exists *

                how much rain this climate has (or, would have) *

        and explain why you think this is (or would be) the perfect climate for you. *


See Notes


Possible follow-up questions:


Part 3

See also Part 3 for Topic #180, Topic #164, Topic #25 and Topic #95 .

The Effects of Different Climates on People

Climate Change



228.  A Job You Did Quickly  (Sept 5, 2009) (Probably no longer used)

Describe a piece of work you did quickly. *

        You should say:

                what work it was

                why you did it quickly

                how easy or difficult it was *

        and explain what the result was. *





Possible follow-up questions:


Part 3

See also the Part 3 questions for Topic #4 and Topic #63

See some vocabulary

Working Fast


Punctuality and Time Management


Time Management


229.  A Book You Read When You Were a Child (2) (Nov 14, 2009) (Probably no longer used)

Describe a book you enjoyed reading when you were a child.

      You should say:

what book it was

what the book was about

who gave you this book

and explain why you enjoyed this book.




Possible follow-up questions:


Part 3

See also Part 3 for Topic 88.

The questions below are those reported after Nov. 14, 2009.

Reading Tastes


Children's Books

Children Learning to Read

The Future of Books

  • What do you think books will be like in the future?
  • What is the role of the Internet in reading? Does it help to encourage people to read? FQ
  • (Similar to above) Do you think the internet has changed (or, will change) people's reading habits? FQx2
  • What kinds of information can people get (or, read) on the internet?
  • Do you prefer reading on the internet or reading books?
  • Do you think there's much difference between reading a book (made of paper) and reading on the internet?
  • Do you think there are any disadvantages from reading books online (or, reading E-books)?
  • Do you think the internet will replace libraries?
  • What do you think of E-books?
  • Do you think e-books will replace the way we read now?


230.  Your Favourite Subject at School (2) (Nov 14, 2009) (Probably no longer used)

Version A

Describe your favourite subject at school. *

                            You should say:

                                           what the subject was *

                                           how long you liked (or studied) this subject *

                                           how the teacher taught this subject

                            and explain why you liked it.


Version B

Describe your favourite subject at school. *

                            You should say:

                                           what the subject is (or, was) *

                                           how long you have liked (or studied) this subject *

                                           how the teacher teaches (or, taught) this subject

                            and explain why you like (or liked) it.





Possible follow-up questions:


See also Part 3 for Topic 18, Topic 36 (and Topic 89).

The questions below are those questions reported after Nov. 14, 2009

Part 3

School Subjects

Education in Your Country


See note

Good and Bad Teachers

Study Methods and Styles; Learning for Different Age Groups


- It is not clear if the word, "learn" or the word, "study" is used for some of the following questions.

- See here for the difference between "learn" and "study"

Age and Learning
