Updated Apr. 22, 2007


IELTS Part 2 and Part 3 Topics and Questions 

Page 9 


41.     A Radio Program (Probably no longer used)

42.     Leisure Time (Probably no longer used)

43.    Success   (May 20, 2006)  (Probably no longer used)

44.    A Person You Visited (Probably no longer used)

45.    Your Childhood Home  (May 13, 2006)  (Probably no longer used)




41.   A Radio Program (Probably no longer used)

Note: This topic is most likely in the present tense but it could be in the past tense. If it is in the present tense, it means a radio program that you listen to habitually (even if only a few times a year.) If it is past tense, it probably means a single time that you heard this program.    

     Present Tense                   

                          Describe a radio program that you find interesting.

                            You should say:

                                           what this program is 

                                           when and where you listen to this program 

                                           what the contents of the program are 

                            and explain why you like this program. *


                           and explain how you benefit from listening to this program. *


    Past Tense

                            Describe a radio program that you found interesting.

                            You should say:

                                           what this program was 

                                           when and where you listened to this program 

                                           what the contents of the program were 

                            and explain why you liked this program. *


                           and explain how you benefited from listening to this program. *


Part 3

Note: Some of the questions below are guesses at possible questions. There is little information available on the Part 3 questions for this topic.


Media in General *


42.   Leisure Time  (Probably no longer used)

        Describe what you usually do in your leisure time.

                            You should say:

                                           who you do this with 

                                           where you do it * 

                                           how you do it * 

                            and explain why you (choose to) spend your free time this way. 


Possible alternative:

 Describe what you usually do in your leisure time.

                            You should say:

                                           what it is 

                                           where you learned to do this 

                                           how often you do it 

                            and explain why you like doing this.


Part 3

Children's leisure time

(Note that, in the real test, the word 'children' might not be used. Instead, the phrase 'young people' might be used. 'Children' are aged between about 5 and 13 years old; 'young people' are aged between about 15 and 25. You should think of answers for both 'children' and 'young people'.)

Young people living with parents

Unusual leisure time activities


43.  Success   (May 20, 2006)   (Probably no longer used)

        Describe something that you would like to succeed in doing in the near future.

                            You should say:

                                           what it is 

                                           how difficult you think it will be 

                                           what you should do to prepare for this

                            and explain why you want to succeed in doing this.


Important Note!

It is possible that this is a past tense question, asking you to talk about a success you have had. Pay attention to the tense of the question!


Part 3


Success and Reward

Competition Versus Co-operation


Some examiners might ask you questions concerning traditional Chinese value systems & religions such as Buddhism, Daoism, & Confucianism and how these compare to the Westernized ideas of competition. If you have time, try to prepare something to say about traditional Chinese value systems.


44.  A Person You Visited  (Probably no longer used)

        Describe a person you visited recently (for example, a friend or family member)

                            You should say:

                                           who this person was 

                                           why you visited them 

                                           where you visited them *

                            and explain how you passed the time together 


Possible follow-up question:


Part 3

Visiting in China



45.  Your Childhood Home   (May 13, 2006)   (Probably no longer used)

Describe the place that you lived in when you were a child.

                You should say:

                         how many rooms it had

                     what the (outside) surroundings of your house were like (looked like)

                     what the arrangement of the rooms was 

                 and explain what kind of building it was. *


             and explain how you felt about this house. *


Possible follow-up question:


Part 3

(See also Topic #12.)


Children's Development

Family Structure
