Updated Aug 1, 2017


IELTS Part 2 and Part 3 Topics and Questions

Page 140

696.  An Interesting Animal  (Jan. 2016)   (Probably no longer used)

697.  A Meal You Had With Your Friends  (Jan. 2016)   (Probably no longer used)

698.  An Item of Clothing that Someone Gave You  (Jan. 2016)   (Probably no longer used)

699.  A Time When the Weather Changed Your Plan  (Jan. 2016)  (Probably no longer used)

700.  A Goal that You Have  (Jan. 2016)  (Probably no longer used)



FQ = frequent question = a question that has frequently been reported = a question that is probably in the examiner's question book

* = my guess at a question


696.  An Interesting Animal  (Jan. 2016)   (Probably no longer used)

Modified copy of Topic 134

Describe a time when you saw an interesting animal.

               You should say:

                           what animal it was

                           where you saw it 

                           what happened when you saw it

                 and explain why you thought it was interesting. *


                  and explain how you felt when you saw it. *




Possible follow-up questions:


Part 3

See also the Part 3 of Topic 565 and Topic 134. There are good notes for that topic, including notes on some common errors, so make sure you read them. Usually, when this topic is used, the same or similar questions as before are used.

Animals in Your Country

  • Do you like animals? FQ

  • What species of animal do people in your country like the most?

  • (Similar to above) Is there one animal that is a favourite animal among people in your country?

  • Do people in your country like birds?

  • What animals are most common around where you live (or, in your country)? FQx2

  • What are the differences between the animals in the countryside and those in the cities?

  • Do you think animals today are more important for (or, to) people than they were in the past? FQx2

  • (Slightly different to above) Do you think animals today are more important in human society than they were in the past? FQx2  See Note 3

  • Would you say animals are more important in the countryside than in the cities?

  • Do you think cities are suitable places for raising animals? See Note 2

  • What would you say are the purposes of animals in daily life?

  • Would you say that raising (or, keeping) animals today is different to the way it was in the past?

  • What animals are raised on farms?

  • What animals do some people use as work animals? FQx2

  • Is there much difference between the way we use animals today, compared to the way we used them in the past?

  • Are animals today used for work as much as they were in the past? FQ

  • Can you think of any examples of work animals being replaced by technology?

  • In the future, do you think most work animals will have been replaced by technology?

  • Are animals still used much in your country for transportation?

  • Besides strong animals, are any other animals used in society to help people?

  • What are the various roles that dogs play in society? FQ

  • (Similar to above) What are some examples of working dogs? FQ

  • In your country, how much do you think people's attitudes about animals have changed in the past few decades?

Animals in General (The Welfare of Animals)

  • Do you think it's important that some animals become extinct?

  • What do you think could be done to prevent an animal from becoming extinct?

  • What are the results of an animal becoming extinct?

  • Sometimes people at beaches get killed by sharks. Do you think sharks should be protected?

  • Can you think of any ways to reduce cruelty towards animals?

  • What's your opinion about animal testing? ? FQ   See Note 1

  • (Similar to above) Do you agree with using animals in medical experimentation? FQ

  • What do you think are the pros and cons of keeping animals in zoos?

  • Can you suggest why some people become vegetarians? FQ


  • What animals do people in your country most commonly keep as pets? FQ

  • Do people in your country generally prefer to have a pet dog, or a pet cat? FQx2

  • Do you think cat owners are different to dog owners?

  • Can you suggest why pets are important to some people? FQ

  • (Similar to above) Can you suggest why some people want to have a pet? FQ

  • Why do some people not want to have a pet? FQ

  • (Similar to above)  Why do some people not like pets? FQ

  • What do you think are the pros and cons of having a pet? FQ

  • (Similar to above) What are the benefits of having a pet? FQ

  • Do you think there are benefits for elderly people to have a pet?

  • In general, how the old people's pets differ from young people's pets?

  • What problems are involved with having a pet? FQx2

  • How should a person keep (take care of) a pet?

  • Who generally takes care of a pet in the home?

  • Which place is better for having a pet, a rural area or an urban area?

  • Do you think it's suitable to have a pet if you live in a big city? FQ

  • Do you think it's suitable to have a pet if you live in an apartment? FQ

  • What difficulties do you think people living in apartments have when they have a pet? FQ

  • Do you think cities are suitable places for having a large pet?

  • Which would you prefer to have, an electronic pet or a real pet?


697.  A Meal You Had With Your Friends  (Jan. 2016)   (Probably no longer used)

Describe a meal you had your friends or family (in someone's home or in a restaurant). *

               You should say:

who organized this meal

what you ate and drank

where you had it *

what you talked about during the meal

and explain why you had this meal with your friends. *


Possible follow-up questions:

  • Do you often eat with your friends?


Part 3

See also the Part 3 of Topic 586, Topic 487, Topic 231, Topic 80 & Topic 15

Who People Eat With

  • Do you eat with your friends regularly?

  • Do school students in your country usually eat with their fellow students?

  • How often do you eat with your classmates?

  • (Similar to above) How often do people in your country eat with their (work) colleagues or with their fellow students?

  • Do you often eat with older people?

  • (Similar to above) Do you like to have dinner with older people?

  • How often would you say people eat with their family?

  • Why do family members often eat together?

  • Who do you prefer to eat with, your friends or your parents?

  • Do you think people today are eating meals with non-family members more often than in the past?  FQ

  • How important do you think it is for members of a family to eat together?  FQx2

  • (Similar to above) What do you think are the benefits of having a family eat together?  FQx2

  • (Similar to above) Are family meals important to you? 

  • Why do some people not always eat with their family?  FQx2

  • (Similar to above) Can you suggest why people today are eating less often with their families than they did in the past?  FQx2

  • What do you think are (or, will be) the results of this? *

  • What do you think has caused this change? FQ

  • What do you think are the benefits of having different types of people eating together?

  • What do you think are the benefits of having three generations of a family eating together?  FQx2

  • (Similar to above) Are there any advantages to having people of different age groups eating together?  FQx2

  • If your child was with you at the dinner party, do you think he/she would bother you?

  • Are there any special times in your country when people eat together?

Where People Eat Their Meals

  • Do people in your country generally prefer to eat at home, or eat out? FQ

  • (Similar to above) Do you generally prefer to eat at home, or eat out? FQ

  • How often do people in your country eat out?

  • In what ways would you say eating at home and eating in restaurants are different?  FQ

  • (Similar to above) What do you think are the advantages and the disadvantages of eating at home, compared to eating in restaurants?  FQx2

  • Do you think people today are eating in restaurants more often than they did in the past?  FQ

  • What do you think has caused this change? FQ

  • When people are celebrating a traditional holiday or a personal celebration, is eating an important part of the celebration? (Why?)  FQ

  • When people are celebrating a traditional holiday or a personal celebration, do they usually eat at home, or in a restaurant?


  • Do you think the food that people are eating today is different to the food that people were eating several decades ago?

  • Can you suggest why some people continue to eat unhealthy foods even when they know these foods are unhealthy?

  • Do young people and old(er) people in your country have different eating (or, food) habits? FQ

  • How does the food that children eat influence them (their development)?

  • Would you say that food is an important part of the culture of your country (or, a country)? FQ

  • Can you give an example of how the cultural identity of a place is reflected in the eating habits and types of food?

  • Can you explain why people eating together is usually an important part of celebrating a special event?

  • Do people (in your country) usually eat any special or different foods when they have a party or celebration?

  • Do people in your country eat certain foods during traditional holidays?

  • On special occasions such as weddings, people spend a lot of money on food. Why do you think they do that? FQ

  • (Similar to above) Why do people think food is important on special occasions, such as weddings? FQ

  • Do you think some people spend too much money on food for these occasions?


698.  An Item of Clothing that Someone Gave You  (Jan. 2016)   (Probably no longer used)

Modified copy of Topic 295

Describe an item of clothing that someone (recently) gave to you.

                You should say:

what it was

who gave it to you

what it looked like

why they gave it to you *

and explain when you wear it *


and explain how you felt about this gift. *




  • This might be a return of Topic 295. Something that was "given to you" could include a handmade piece of clothing, such as a woollen hat or scarf knitted by your grandmother, not always something that was bought in a shop.

  • Of course, children are given their clothes by their parents - they don't buy them themselves. But if "recently" is included in the wording then that is unsuitable as your example.

  • For Chinese people – make sure you know the differences between "give" and "send" in English.


Possible follow-up questions:

  • Do you still have it?


Part 3

See also the Part 3 of Topics 295, 515, 460, 419, 349, 165, & 67

Types of Clothing and Clothing for Different Occasions (especially formal vrs casual clothing)

  • Can you explain why people don't all wear the same (types of) clothes?

  • Can you explain why people wear different types of clothes at different times (or, on different occasions)? FQx2

  • What are the different types of clothes that people wear for different types of occasions (and at different types of places)? FQx2

  • Do people generally wear the same clothes at home and when they go out?

  • (Similar to above) Do people generally wear the same clothes at home as they do at work? FQx2

  • Why do people change their clothes (e.g., after work)? FQ

  • (Similar to above) Why do people not wear the same clothes at home and at work? FQx2

  • Do you think it is good to wear the same clothes at home as you do at work?

  • (Possibly) Do you think it would be good to wear the same clothes at home and at work? *

  • In your country, people in what jobs generally wear a suit to work?

  • What would you say are the advantages and disadvantages of wearing these different types of clothes?

  • What would you say are the benefits of "dressing up"?

  • Do you think people feel more confident when they dress up?

  • On what occasions do people generally wear formal clothes?

        Judging Others by Their Clothes

  • Do you think people pay attention to the clothes that others are wearing? FQ

  • What do you think one can learn about a person by looking at the clothes this person is wearing?

  • Do you think people tend to judge others by the clothes they wear? FQ

  • How would others react if someone wore unsuitable clothes?

  • What would you think if you saw someone wearing dirty clothes?

  • Would you say that the clothes someone wears shows (reflects) their personality?

  • What types of people generally choose to wear sportswear as their leisure clothing?


  • What types of people tend to be most fashion-conscious in their choice of clothes?

  • What fashions in clothes  are popular (or trendy) at the moment in your country? *

  • What's your opinion of the fashion in clothes in your country at the moment?

  • Where do people in your country buy their clothes?

  • Who do you think mostly buys designer clothes?

  • Do you think it depends on the age of the person?

  • Who mostly wears trendy clothes, young people or older people? FQ

  • Why do you you think older people are less interested in (following) fashion? FQ

  • Do you think the internet is important in the clothing industry today?

  • What do you think is the "fashion centre" of the world?

  • (Similar to above, for Asian people) Where do you think the fashion centre of Asia is?

  • What do you think are the benefits to a country of having its own clothing industry?


Clothes for School and Work / Uniforms

  • Can you explain what the purpose of wearing a uniform is?

  • What are some examples of people who wear a uniform?

  • Do you (or, would you) like to wear a uniform? FQ


  • Do you (or, did you) like to wear a uniform at school?

  • Do many school students in your country have to wear a school uniform at school?

  • Do you think schoolchildren should wear a uniform at school?

  • (Similar to above) What do you think are the advantages and the disadvantages of wearing a uniform at school? FQx2

  • Do you think school teachers should also wear a uniform?

  • How do you think the state of mind of high school students is influenced (affected) by the fact that they are all wearing a uniform?

  • Would you say that's a good thing? *

  • Would you say (older) school students like wearing a school uniform? FQx2

  • Do you think school uniforms look good (are attractive)?


  • In what ways do work clothes differ from typical leisure wear?

  • Can you suggest why some people wear casual clothes at work?

  • Do you think it's a good idea for companies to have a dress code for what to wear at work?

  • Would you say that "dressing up" for work (wearing more formal clothes) provides benefits for the workers?

  • Do you think people feel more confident when they dress up?

  • Do certain clothes represent certain jobs (or types of work)?

  • For example, what does a policeman's uniform represent?

  • Why do some big companies require their workers, such as factory workers, to wear a uniform at work? FQx2

  • Do you think this is a good idea?

  • (Similar to above) What do you think are the advantages and the disadvantages of wearing a uniform at work? FQx2

  • Would you like to wear a uniform at work?

  • Do you think wearing overalls at work is a good idea? *

  • What kinds of workers wear overalls? *  See Note 4

Clothes in Different Parts of the World / Traditional Clothes

  • Why do people in different countries sometimes wear distinctive types of clothing? FQx2

  • (Similar to above) Can you suggest why people in different countries wear different styles of clothes? FQx2

  • What does the traditional clothing in your country look like? *

  • Do you think the traditional dress (= clothing) of people in your country is beautiful?

  • Do people in your country wear traditional clothes very often?

  • When do they wear traditional clothes?

  • Why don't they wear traditional clothes all the time?

  • Do you think all the people of the world might one day be wearing the same kinds of clothes? FQ

  • With globalization, people today have more choices but some people continue to wear the traditional clothes of their country. Can you suggest why?

  • Why do people in different parts of some countries (e.g., north and south) often wear different types of clothes?

  • Is there any type of clothing that people in your country would feel strange wearing?


699.  A Time When the Weather Changed Your Plan  (Jan. 2016)  (Probably no longer used)

Describe a time when the weather caused you to change your plans.


Describe a time when the weather disrupted what you were doing

               You should say:

what your plan was (or, plans were)

what weather you were hoping for (or expecting)

what happened

and explain how you felt when you had to change your plans.



  • This seems to be a topic that has not been used before.

  • A few people are reporting that the first line is something like, "Describe a time when you stopped doing something because of the weather", or  "Describe a time when the weather disrupted what you were doing". But doing something is very different to planning to do something. Or, in different words, "changing your plan(s)" is not the same as "changing your actions".


Possible follow-up questions:


Part 3

See also the Part 3 of Topics 25, 95, 164, Topic 180, Topic 227, 373, 406 & 517

Attitudes and Feelings About the Weather

  • How do you feel about the weather? FQ

  • (Similar to above) Do you care much about the weather and the seasons? FQ

  • How do people in your country generally feel about the weather?

  • What kind of weather do (you, or) people in your country prefer? FQx2

  • Do people in your country talk about the weather very much?

  • (Similar to above) Do people in your country care much about the weather? FQ

  • (Similar to above) In general, do people in your country keep an eye on the weather? FQ

  • How does the weather affect people?

  • How do people cope with different types of weather?

  • How can people know what the weather will be like tomorrow?

  • In general, do people in your country pay attention to the weather forecasts? FQx2

  • Which people (or, what types of people) do you think pay more attention to the weather forecasts than other people? FQx2

  • How do people get the weather forecasts? FQx2

  • What apps do people use to find out the weather forecast?

  • Are these apps usually accurate? FQx2

  • (Similar to above) Are weather forecasts in your country usually accurate? FQx2

  • Do you think it's difficult for scientists (meteorologists) to forecast the weather?

  • Do you think young people have the same feelings (or, attitudes, or ideas, or knowledge) about the weather and the seasons as old(er) people?

  • Would you say that "climate change" has affected your country?

"Climate Change"

  • Do you think your government needs to do more about "climate change"?  (See Note 6 on Page 133)

The Weather and the Seasons in Your Country

  • What's the weather usually like in your hometown?

  • Is the weather (or, climate) generally the same in the north and the south (or, in different parts) of your country? FQ

  • How do you think weather influences people's lifestyles?

  • Do people generally do the same kinds of things in different seasons? FQ

  • (Similar to above) What different activities do people do in different seasons? FQx2

  • Do people do different sports in different seasons? FQ

  • Do people change their activities as a result of changes in the weather?

The Influence of the Weather & Seasons on Work

  • In general, how does (or, how can) the weather influence the activities of people?

  • Who do you think is generally more interested in the weather forecasts, city people or people in the countryside?

  • Can you think of some examples of how the weather can have an impact on people doing certain jobs? FQx2

  • (Similar to above) What are some types of work in which workers especially pay attention to (changes in) the weather? FQx2


700.  A Goal that You Have  (Jan. 2016)  (Probably no longer used)

Describe a goal that you hope to achieve in the future. *

               You should say:

what the goal is

when you first began to have this goal

how you would achieve the first step of your goal *

(OR: what steps will (or would)  be needed to achieve this goal) *

how easy or difficult you think it will (or would) be to reach this goal *

and explain why you have this goal. *


and explain why you this goal is important to you. *



  • This might be similar to Topic 609, An Ambition Not Yet Achieved. A "goal" and an "ambition" are close in meaning.

  • It might not say, "in the future" because the words "a goal you have" automatically refers to the future.


Possible follow-up questions:

  • Do you think you will achieve this goal?

  • (Possibly) Do you think it will (or would) be easy to achieve that goal? *


Part 3

See also the part 3 of Topic 609

See also the Part 3 of the following topics about a success you would like to have, or have had: Topic 662, Topic 571, 43, 109, 173, 296, 344, 379 & 595.

See also the Part 3 of the following topics about your future (work) plans - Topic 499, Topic 217, Topic 97 and Topic 22.

Goals / Dreams

  • (Referring to your Part 2 answer) Do you think people in others countries also have that goal?

  • Do you think it's important for people to have dreams/goals?  FQ  

  • (Similar to above) Do you think young people should have a goal (or, goals)?  FQ

  • (Similar to above) Why do people set goals for themselves?  FQ

  • What are some typical goals that young people in your country have?  FQx2

  • Do you think it would be easy to become a pop star if that was your goal?

  • Would you say that men and women (males and females) generally have the same goals?

  • Do you think people should talk to others about their goals?

  • Which do you think is more important, the process of working hard towards a goal, or the achievement of the goal?  FQx2

  • (Similar to above) Which do you think is more rewarding, working towards a goal, or achieving it?  FQ

  • In your country, what goals do young people generally have?

  • In general. what are the differences between the goals that males have and those that females have?

  • At what age do you think is the most suitable time for people to set their major goals for their life?

  • Do you think people's goals change as they grow older, for example, when they are in their thirties or forties?  FQ

  • For those people who don't have any goals, where could they get some suggestions for goals to have?

  • Do you think parents have a lot of influence on the goals that their children have?

  • Who do you think  influences young people more in the formation of their goals, their friends, their parents or their teachers?  FQx2

  • (Similar to above) For young people. who do you think is a better source of suggestions for goals, their friends, their parents or their teachers?  FQx2

  • (Similar to above) Who do you think is the most important in the formation of young people's goals, their friends, their parents or their teachers?  FQx2

  • Who do you think helps (or, can help) young people more to set a goal, their parents or their teachers?

  • Who do you think can better help young people achieve their goals, their parents or their teachers?

  • Why do you think many young people do not listen to the advice of their parents?

  • When did you start having goals for yourself?

  • Which do you think is the better time for for a person to make decisions about their future goals (future career), in high school on in university?  FQ

  • What kinds of problems do people have in achieving their goals?

  • Can you suggest how they could overcome these problems?

  • What (or, how) would you feel if you couldn’t achieve a goal?


        See Note 5

  • At what age do you think people start to have dreams (about their future, or changing their present situation)?

  • Do you think it’s important to have realistic goals?

  • What kinds of goals are not realistic?

  • Would you say there's much difference between a "goal" and a "dream"?  FQ

  • x2

  • (Similar to above) What would you say is the difference between a "dream" and a realistic goal?  FQ

  • x2

  • What would you say is the difference between a "dream" and a "fantasy"?

  • Do you think it's good to have a dream, or is it bad?  FQ

  • (Similar to above) Do you think there are any disadvantages in pursuing a dream?  FQ

  • What sorts of dreams do young people in your country have?

  • Which do you think is better, to have big dreams or small ones?

  • Do you think that some young people have dreams that are too big?

  • Do you think everyone should have a dream?  FQ

  • Do you think (young) people should have a dream?  FQ

  • If one's dream is to difficult to achieve, what do you suggest they should do?

  • Would you agree that some young people just have dreams because it gives them pleasure?

  • Do you think there are any disadvantages in having dreams?  FQ

  • Do you think many people continue striving to reach a goal even after they realize it is unrealistic?

  • How do you think a dream can be turned into reality?


  • Do you think a person needs to have self-confidence in order to be ambitious?

  • Do you think ambitious people are born with self-confidence, or confident because they are ambitious?

  • Would you say everyone is ambitious?

  • Would society be better if there were fewer ambitious people?  FQ 

  • (Similar to above) Do you think our society needs ambitious people or is it better without them?  FQ

  • What do you think is the relationship between society’s growth and ambition?

Children and Goals

  • Do you think it's good for parents to set (or, choose) goals for their children?  FQ

  • At what age do you think a person is first capable of formulating their own goals for their future?  FQ

  • Do boys and girls usually have the same gaols, or different goals?


Note 1

Spend a few minutes reading about the topic of, "animal testing" on the internet. It's not the same as the more general, "animal experimentation", which might include using animals in behavioural research. This topic also appears as an IELTS writing question from time to time. New chemicals, including pharmaceutical drugs, are tested on animals. The animals are usually or often in extreme pain during the test and are usually tested to find how much of the chemical will cause death.

Note 2

The term, "raise an animal" is similar in many ways to the term, "raise a child" and, "raise a crop". It means to take care of an animal from birth until it has grown to maturity. "Raising animals" also usually includes breeding the animals. Most animals are raised on farms for the purpose of providing meat for humans and, in the case of chickens, to also provide eggs. The females (the cows) of dairy cattle are, of course, raised to provide milk.

These animals are usually not raised in cities for several reasons: reasons of hygiene (involving the waste of these animals and diseases that some animals might carry), because it's cheaper to raise them in the countryside, because some animals need to eat grass that grows in fields, and because some animals make a lot of noise, especially when there are many of them together.

Some people use the term, "raise a pet" but I think that usage is somewhat unsuitable because we don't always "raise" a pet during it's growing years – we might buy it when it has already grown to maturity. Additionally, people usually keep a pet until it dies, so they are not just taking care of it until it has reached maturity. Yes, some people breed and raise dogs, cats, birds etc. to sell as pets, which is the same as raising animals on a farm. When referring to pet owners, the best term to use is "keep a pet", or simply, "have a pet", not "raise a pet".

Note 3

a) Do you think animals today are more important for (or, to) people than they were in the past?

b) (Slightly different to above): Do you think animals today are more important in human society than they were in the past?

Question a) can be interpreted to mean, "Do you think people today place more value or importance on animals than people did in the past?" This includes people's attitudes towards animals, such as being aware that animals have feelings, that animals can show affection to humans, and that animals can become members of a human family, i.e., pets.  Question a) can also be interpreted to include the meaning of Question b), which refers more to the usefulness of animals.

Question b) is not referring so much to people's attitudes towards animals but, instead, is referring more to the usage of animals in human society.

Concerning wild animals: As people become more educated, they realize that the study of all living things is an important part of human knowledge. This realization includes understanding the importance of the preservation of endangered living species because, if a species becomes extinct, then it can no longer be studied.

Note 4

Apparently the word, "overalls" has been used by at least one examiner but the exact questions have not been clearly reported.

Note 5

The word "dream" can be used to refer to a goal that is rather long-term and is often idealistic. That is, people don't usually expect to see the fruition of their dreams to be achieved in the near future. An example of such as dream could be working as a doctor in one of the poorest parts of the world. But some "dreams" might be more selfish than idealistic, such as the dream of becoming a millionaire.

Another idea associated with the word "dream" is that many dreams are just fantasy.

Of course, this usage of the word, "dream" is not the same as the dreams that we have when we are asleep.