Updated June 10, 2014


IELTS Part 2 and Part 3 Topics and Questions

Page 103


511.  A Group  (Sept. 2013)  (Probably no longer used)

512.  A House or Apartment  (Sept. 2013)  (Probably no longer used)

513.  A Person You Like to Spend Time With  (Sept. 2013)  (Probably no longer used)

514.  An Important Letter  (Sept. 2013)  (Probably no longer used)

515Clothes for Special Occasions  (Sept. 2013)  (Probably no longer used)



FQ = frequent question = a question that has frequently been reported = a question that is probably in the examiner's question book

* = my guess at a question


511.  A Group  (Sept. 2013)  (Probably no longer used)

Version A

Describe a group that you are part of, (e.g., a film club, a sports club) *

You should say:

        where it is

        what the group does

        how often you go there

and explain why you enjoy being part of this group


Version B 

Describe a group that you would like to be part of, (such as a club) *

You should say:

        what group it is *

        who the members of this group are *

        what this group does *

and explain why you would like to belong to this group.




  • I'm not sure which one of the two versions is the one being used now. Both versions have been reported. I tend to think Version A is more likely to be the real wording.

  • For Version A, it might say, "Describe a group that you have joined, (e.g., a film club, a sports club)". The words "have joined" can either mean that are still a member of this group, or that you were once a member of this group but are no longer a member.

  • For Version B: Naturally, if you "would like to be member of" a group, then you are not a member of this group now!

  • It could be an informal group, such as a group of friends who play basketball, or (for Version A), even simply your class at university! Or your working group, i.e., the staff of the company you work for.

  • Check out the common error that some people make when talking about groups, HERE. The mistake is explained under, "B) Countable Group Nouns".


Possible follow-up questions:


Part 3

The Groups that People Join

Online (Social) Groups Frequent Sub-Topic

Note: Learn the new term, "social media", such as Facebook, Twitter and Weibo in China.

Children and Groups (Probable Sub-topic but not reported yet)


512.  A House or Apartment  (Sept. 2013)  (Probably no longer used)

Describe a house or apartment you are familiar with that you like. (Not your own home).

You should say:

        where it was (or is)

        when you visited it

        what was interesting about it

and explain why you liked it.




  • This does not have to include visiting a person, although it could include that. It could be simply a place you visited because you were looking for an apartment or house to rent or buy. It could apply to a house that you are familiar from the outside of the house only, i.e., you have never been inside it.

  • This might be a rerun of Topic 439.


Possible follow-up questions:

  • Do other people also like that home?


Part 3

- See also any relevant Part 3 questions in the following topics related to people's homes and buildings: Topic 174, Topic 96, Topic 394 & Topic 439

- "Home" = where someone lives. A "home" can be a flat, a house, a mobile home, a caravan, or even a tent etc.

Houses and Apartments (especially the design)

     The (Outside) Appearance of Buildings

Old Buildings

City Living

      The Price of Homes / Buying a Home

  • How do people buy a home in your country?

  • Is it easy for young people to buy a home?


513.  A Person You Like to Spend Time With  (Sept. 2013)  (Probably no longer used)

Copy of Topic 106

Describe a person who you like to spend time with.

        You should say:

                what relationship the two of you have

                how often you are together

                what you usually do together 

        and explain why you like to spend time with this person.





Possible follow-up questions:

  • Would you say you and (this person) have a lot in common?


Part 3

See also the Part 3 questions for Topic 106

People's Relationships

  • In general, who do you spend your time with?

  • In your country, who do people spend most of their time with? FQ

  • Who do spend most of your time with (when you are not alone)?

  • What are the different relationships that people have with others throughout their lives?

  • What can we learn from others?

  • (Possibly the question above is this:) What can we learn from our relationships with others?

  • Is it important to you to spend time with your family? FQ

  • (Similar to above) Do you think it's important for a person to spend time with their family? FQ

  • Is it important to you to spend time with your colleagues (workmates)?

  • Which is more important to you, spending time with your family or with your colleagues (or, friends)?

  • Do many young adults in your country still live at home with their parents? (Why? / Why not?)

  • Do you think that everyone needs to spend time alone from time to time? FQ

People's Behaviour and Attitudes Towards Others / Different Types of People

  • Do you think having a lot of friends is good?

  • Do you think it's good to have a variety of types of people in a society?

  • Is it important (to you) to get along with all kinds of people? FQ

  • (Similar to above) Do you think it's important for people to get along with others? FQ

  • What are some reasons why some people can't (or, don't) get along with others?

  • In general, how can a person co-exist with others? FQ

  • What factors determine how a person behaves towards other people?

  • Would you say the person you just talked about (in Part 2) is similar to you?

  • Do you meet many different kinds of people?

  • Are you willing to spend time with people who are different to you?

  • What do you think you would learn from spending time with these people?

  • Do you agree that people are basically the same all over the world?

  • Do you think the way people behave depends on who they are with?

  • Do you think people behave differently when they interact with rich or famous people, compared to when they interact with poor or average people?  FQ

  • Do you think the way (young) people behave with old people is the same as the way they behave with young people?  FQ (See Note)

  • Do you think we should (always) respect (or, be polite to) old people? FQ

Relationships at Work

  • How can a person get along with the people he or she works with (especially when different types of people work together)?

  • What would you say is the role of a manager of a company (or office, factory etc)? FQ

  • (Similar to above) How do you think managers should manage their employees? FQ

  • (Similar to above) How do you think a manager at work should treat (or, behave with) his/her staff? FQ

  • (Similar to above) What sort of relationship do you think a boss (employer/supervisor/manager) should have with the employees? FQ

  • Are strict rules at the workplace useful (or, necessary) for managing employees?

  • How should a good employee behave towards his or her employer?


514.  An Important Letter  (Sept. 2013)  (Probably no longer used)

Copy of Topic 1

Describe an important letter that you received.

        You should say:

                who wrote it

                what the letter was about

                how you felt about the letter

        and explain why it was important.





Possible follow-up questions:


Part 3

See also the Part 3 questions for Topic 1

Letter Writing

(In this sub-topic, it is not clear if the questions are only referring to hand-written letters or if it includes letters produced by a computer printer. This point should be discussed with the examiner.)

  • How often do you write a letter?

  • What do you write about?

  • What do you think are some differences between a formal letter and an informal one?

  • Do people today write more letters than people in the past?

  • Why do you think people write fewer letters nowadays?

  • Please compare hand-written letters with emails or other messages sent by computer. FQx2

  • Please compare hand-written letters with type-written letters. FQ

  • Can you suggest why some people (prefer to) write hand-written letters?

  • Do young people and old(er) people have the same preferences when it comes to writing emails and writing letters?

  • What other means of communication are there?

  • What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of letters, as opposed to other forms of communication?

  • What do you think are the advantages, and the disadvantages, of communicating with someone by using a mobile phone and by writing a letter?

  • Can you think of any occasions (or, situations) when writing a letter is the best form of communication? *

  • Do you think letters written a long time ago have any value in the study of history?

  • Do you think people in the future (when they study the history of today) will be able to get the same benefits that we get today from reading old letters?

Business Letters Frequent sub-topic

  • Do you think letters play an important role in business? (give examples)

  • What are the differences between a personal letter and a business letter?

  • What skills does a person need in order to write a business letter?

  • Which do you think are more important in business, phone calls or letters?

  • Which do you think are more convenient in business, phone calls or letters?

  • How do people (in offices) generally write business letters?


515Clothes for Special Occasions  (Sept. 2013)  (Probably no longer used)

Modified copy of Topic 165 

Describe an item of clothing (or jewelery) that you wear on special occasions.

                You should say:

                            what it looks like

                            where you bought it

                            on what special occasions you wear it

               and explain what other people think about this item of clothing (or jewelery). *




  • This is probably a previously used topic. See Topics 419 and 165


Possible follow-up questions:

  • Do you still have that ____ now?


Part 3

See also the Part 3 questions for Topics 419 and 165

Formal and Casual Clothes

  • What do you like to wear most of the time?

  • Do you think it's suitable to wear the same clothes for all occasions?

  • What should people wear on different occasions?

  • Do people in your country like to wear formal clothes?

  • On what occasions do they wear formal clothes?  FQx2

  • Do you think people today like to wear casual clothes more than people did in the past? (several decades ago) FQx2

  • (Similar to above) Do you think people today wear formal clothes more than they did in the past? (several decades ago) FQx2

  • On what occasions do people wear (very) casual clothes?

  • Do you think people wear clothes that reflect their lifestyle? FQx2

  • (Similar to above) Do you think people's lifestyles are reflected by the clothes they wear?  FQx2

  • (Similar to above) Do you think the clothes that people wear reflect those people's behaviour?

  • Do you think the clothes that people wear can influence those people's behaviour?

  • Do you ever wear overalls? *

  • Do you think girls look good in overalls? *

Clothes in General

  • Do you have a national costume (= traditional clothes) in your country?

  • In general, what are the differences between women's clothes and men's clothes?

  • Do you think men and women have the same attitudes towards clothing? FQ

  • Who do you think is more interested in clothes, men or women? (Why?)

  • Do you think people change the types of clothes they wear as they grow older?

  • Do old people and young people usually wear the same types of clothes?

  • In general, how is clothing today different to clothing several decades ago in your country? (= how has it changed?)

  • How do you think clothes might change in the future?

Uniforms   Frequent Sub-topic

  • What are some examples of people who wear a uniform?

  • Did you (or, do you) wear a school uniform at school?

  • (If yes) Did you like wearing the school uniform?

  • Do you think school children should be required to wear a school uniform? FQ

  • In your opinion, what types of clothes should school students wear at school?

  • What do you think is the purpose of having people wear a uniform?

  • Do you think it's good that some companies require their employees to wear a uniform?

  • Do you think that workers in some types of workplace should be provided with work clothes by the company?

  • Would you like to wear a uniform in your future employment?

The Clothing Industry / The Fashion Industry

  • In what ways do you think globalization has affected the clothing industry? FQ

  • Do you think people's tastes determine fashion, or is it the reverse?
