Updated  Aug 4, 2013


IELTS Part 2 and Part 3 Topics and Questions

Page 88


436.  Your Favourite Means of Communication  (May, 2012)  (Probably no longer used)

437.  No Topic

438 A Product You Were Dissatisfied With (2) (Sep. 1, 2012)  (Probably no longer used)

439A Home You Like (2)  (Sep. 1, 2012)   (Probably no longer used)

440 A Film About a Real Person or Event   (Sep. 1, 2012)  (Probably no longer used)



FQ = frequent question = a question that has frequently been reported = a question that is probably in the examiner's question book

* = my guess at a question


436Your Favourite Means of Communication  (May, 2012)  (Probably no longer used)

Describe your favourite method of communication.

You should say:

        what it is

        who you usually communicate with (or, who you usually contact)

        how often you communicate with them (or, how often you contact them)

and explain why you prefer (or, use) this method. *




Possible follow-up questions:


Part 3


Letter Writing & Emails

Telephone Communication / Mobile Phones

Note: Make sure you distinguish between cell phones (= mobile phones) and fixed-line phones such as house phones, those used in offices etc.

News (新闻) and The News Media


437. No Topic


438A Product You Were Dissatisfied With (2)  (Sep. 1, 2012)  (Probably no longer used)

Copied from Topic 9

Describe something that you bought that you were dissatisfied with.

            You should say:

                          what the item was

                          when and where you bought it  

                          why you bought it

            and explain why you were not happy with this product. *


            explain what you did with the product after you found that it was unsatisfactory. *




Possible follow-up questions:


Part 3

See also the Part 3 questions for Topic 9

Price versus Quality

Online Shopping Frequent Sub-topic


439A Home You Like (2)  (Sep. 1, 2012)   (Probably no longer used)

Modified copy of Topic 174

Describe a beautiful house or flat that you have visited.

You should say:

        when you visited this home   

        where it was (or is)

        what it looked like

and explain why you liked it.




Possible follow-up questions:


Part 3

See also the Part 3 questions for Topic 174, Topic 96, and Topic 394

The Location of People's Homes

The Design of Homes

Buying/Renting a Home


440A Film About a Real Person or Event  (Sep. 1, 2012)  (Probably no longer used)

Describe a film about a real person or event that you have watched.

               You should say:

                               when (and where) you saw this film *

                               what person or event the film was about

                               what happened in the film *

                and explain how you felt about (or, explain your opinion of) this film. *




Possible follow-up questions:


Part 3

See also the Part 3 questions for Topics 397, 341, 278, 200, 145, 99 and 6

Entertainment Films & Film Actors

The Influence of Films

History Depicted in Films
