Updated Nov. 19, 2007


IELTS Part 2 and Part 3 Topics and Questions 

Page 14



66.    A Hotel    (September 16, 2006)  (Probably no longer used)

67.    Clothes   (October 28, 2006)  (Probably no longer used)

68.    Last Weekend   (January 6, 2007)  (Probably no longer used)

69.    An Open-air Market   (January 6, 2007)  (Probably no longer used)

70.    A Person You Live With   (January 6, 2007)  (Probably no longer used)




66.  A Hotel    (September 16, 2006)  (Probably no longer used)

Describe a hotel you visited (or stayed at) or have seen.

               You should say:

                           (why you went there)

                           where it was

                           what the name of the hotel was

                           what the hotel looked like (or, what type of hotel it was; or what facilities it had)

                and explain why people like to/choose to stay at this hotel.


               and explain what the hotel was like (= explain your impressions of this hotel

                = explain how you felt about this hotel)]*.  



Possible follow-up question:


Part 3

Accommodation When Traveling

Hotel Facilities and Services



67.  Clothes   (October 28, 2006)  (Probably no longer used)

(This topic was probably first used in the Oct. 21 test or the Oct 14 test.)


Describe an item of clothing that you recently bought. 

               You should say:

                               what it is

                               what it looks like

                               when & where you bought it                

               and explain why you bought it. *


              and explain why you like it. *


Possible follow-up question:


Part 3

Buying Clothes

Uniforms and Work Clothes

Fashions & Brand Names


68.    Last Weekend   (January 6, 2007)  (Probably no longer used)

Describe how you spent last weekend.

               You should say:

                               what you did

                               where you did it

                               who was with you (who you did it with)

               and explain whether or not this weekend was special, compared to other weekends. 


Possible follow-up question:


Part 3

Weekends & Recreational Time

Working Times


69.    An Open-Air Market   (January 6, 2007)  (Probably no longer used)

Describe an open-air market (or street market) that you enjoyed visiting.

               You should say:

                               where it was

                               what you can buy there

                               how big it was

                and explain why you liked visiting/shopping at this place.


Part 3

Different types of places to buy things

Buying Habits


70.    A Person You Live With   (January 6, 2007)  (Probably no longer used)

Describe a person who you live with (or who you once lived with).

               You should say:

                               who this person is (was)

                               how long you have lived together (or lived together)

                               what you do (did) together                

                and explain how well you get along with this person. * 


                explain why you live(d) together. *


Possible follow-up question:


Part 3

(See also the Part 3 questions for Topic #55)

Living Away from the Family

Interpersonal Relations/Living with Others

Buying/Renting a Home
