Updated Aug 8, 2017


IELTS Part 2 and Part 3 Topics and Questions

Page 152

756.  A Team Activity  (Sep. 2016)  (Probably no longer used)

757.  A Place for Sport   (Sep. 2016)  (Probably no longer used)

758.  An Area of Science  (Sep. 2016)  (Probably no longer used)

759.  A Special Meal  (Sep. 2016)  (Probably no longer used)

760.  A Website  (Sep. 2016)  (Probably no longer used)



FQ = frequent question = a question that has frequently been reported = a question that is probably in the examiner's question book

* = my guess at a question


756.  A Team Activity  (Sep. 2016)  (Probably no longer used)

Version A

(Modified copy of Topic 225)

Describe a group activity or project you took part in (for example, at school, university or work).

        You should say:

                what the activity was

                who was with you

                how easy or difficult it was *

        and explain how you felt about being part of this team. *



Version B

(Copy of Topic  578)

Describe something you did with a group of people.

               You should say:

what you did together

when you did it.*

who the other people were

how you prepared for this activity *

and explain why you did it in a group. *



  • It seems that something like Version A was used. But Version B was possibly used.


Possible follow-up questions:


Part 3

Also see any related questions in the Part 3 of the following topics - 649, 578, 511, 448, 402, 290, 225 and  196


  • Do you like teamwork (or, being a member of a team)?

  • When is it important to work as a teamFQ

  • (Similar to above) What sorts of (or, examples of) activities are usually done by teamsFQx2

  • (Similar to above)What are some examples of activities that are usually done by teams, both indoors and outdoors?  FQ

  • (Similar to above) Can you think of cases when it's better to work in a team rather than as an individual?

  • Can you think of any examples of when, in the workplace, it is better to work as an individual rather than as a member of a group?

  • Do you think people prefer to work in teams (groups), or individually? *

  • What personal qualities should members of a team have?  FQ

  • (Similar to above) What personality traits do successful team members need to haveFQ

  • (Similar to above) What personal qualities does a person need to have in order to cooperate with others?

  • Which aspects of a team do you think are most importantFQ

  • (Similar to above) What kinds of teams are most likely to be successfulFQ  See Note 2

  • Would you agree that it's good to cooperate with others in a group?

  • Can you think of any ways that cooperation within a team could be improved (or strengthened)?

  • What benefits do team members derive from working as a teamFQ

  • What can people learn from being part of a teamFQ

  • Do you think children benefit from the experience of working in a team?

Team Leaders


757.  A Place for Sport  (Sep. 2016)  (Probably no longer used)

Describe a place in your area (or city) where people play sports or exercise (such as a stadium, gymnasium, swimming pool).

You should say:

what type of place is it

where it is

who uses it

and explain what facilities it has. *


and explain how important this place is. *



Possible follow-up questions:

  • Do you ever use (or, go to) that place?


Part 3

See also the following Part 3 of Topics related to sport and exercise: 693, 611, 599, 572, 516, Topic  395, Topic 343, 265, Topic 209, 176, 144, 128, Topic 64 & Topic 6

See also the following Part 3 of Topics related to health and fitness: 717, 668, Topic 654, Topic 585, Topic 485, Topic 433, Topic 350, Topic 309,  Topic 262 & Topic 184

See also the Part 3 of of past topics about outdoor activities:  501, 367, 292 &  57

Note: For some questions, the word used might be "sport", or it might be "exercise", or it might be both. Know the differences between these two words!

Sport and Exercise Facilities Where you Live

  • Besides ______ (what you just said in Part 2), what other sport and exercise facilities are there in your area?

  • Do you use these facilities yourself?

  • Do you think there should be more sport centres in your city?

  • What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of having stadiums?

  • Can you explain why certain sporting events attract (so) many spectators?   See Note 4

  • Are there many organized sports events in your area?

  • Are there many sports clubs near where you live?

Sport and Exercise in Your Country

  • Do people in your country like sports?

  • What sports are most popular in your country FQ   See Note 3

  • (Different to above!) What kinds of exercise do people in your country prefer to do?

  • Do men and women (males and females) enjoy the same sports?

  • Do elderly people in your country like sports?

  • Do young people and elderly people enjoy the same sports?

  • What do you think are the downsides (the harm) if a person does no exercise?

  • Would you agree that young people (or, children) today play less sport than they did a few decades ago FQ

  • What do you think are the results when young people (or, children) are not interested in playing sport?

  • Do you think there should be more sport (or exercise) in schools?

  • Do you think it's good for families to play sports (or exercise) together FQ

  • How important do you think it is for children to learn to swim? *

  • Who do you think should teach children to swim, the parents or schools?

International Sports Events

  • Do you think the Olympic Games are interesting?

  • Would you say international sports events are important?

  • Can you explain why people participate in international sports events, such as the Olympic GamesFQ

  • What do you think are the benefits of hosting such an event?

  • Would you say the benefits outweigh the costs of hosting such eventsFQ

  • Can you explain why people like to watch the Olympics?  FQ


758.  An Area of Science  (Sep. 2016)  (Probably no longer used)

Describe an area of science that you are interested in.

        You should say:

                        what area it is

                        when you started to have an interest in it

                        how you first learned about it *

        and explain why you are interested in it. *              .



Possible follow-up questions:


Part 3

See also the Part 3 of Topic 498, Topic 408 & Topic 208

Science in Our Daily Lives

  • What are some ways we use science in our daily lives?

  • (Similar to above) What role do you think science plays in our daily lives?

  • How has technology changed our lives?  FQ

  • Would you say that is a change for the better? *

  • Do you think people sometimes need to take a break from modern technology?

  • Would you agree that science has developed fast in the past 100 years?

  • Have these developments all been positive developments, or do you think there have been some negative developments?

  • What would you say is the most important scientific advancement (or, event, or invention) in the past 100 years FQ

  • What do you think might be the next major technological advancement (in the future) FQ

Science Museums

  • Would you say that the general public are interested in science?

  • Does your country have many science museums?

  • Do young people (and / or children) in your country like to go to science museums?

  • What do people learn when they go to science museums?

  • How do these museums show science to the public?

Science in Education

  • Do you think there is a need to study scienceFQ

  • (Similar to above) Why should people study scienceFQ

  • Do you think everybody should study science?

  • Are scientific subjects important in schools (and universities)?

  • What are the differences between science courses and liberal arts courses?

  • Are (were) scientific subjects popular in your schoolFQ

  • What science do students in your country generally study at school?

  • Can you suggest why some people dislike studying science?

  • Why do some people find it difficult to study science? = (Why do they find science to be hard to learn?)

  • Are there students who are especially interested in science?

  • Why do you think these people like science?


759.  A Special Meal  (Sep. 2016)  (Probably no longer used)

Version A

Describe a special meal you would like to have.

         You should say:

                     What food you would eat

                     Where you would have it

                     Who you would eat it with

          And explain why it would be special.  


Version B (past tense)

Describe a special meal you had.

         You should say:

                     What food you ate

                     Where you had it

                     Who you shared the meal with

          And explain why it was special


 Notes         .

  • Versions A & B have both been reported but they are quite different! You should be prepared to answer both.


Possible follow-up questions:


Part 3

See also the Part 3 of the following topics about a meal: Topic 586, Topic 487, Topic 231, Topic 80 & Topic 15

See also the Part 3 of the following topics about a restaurant:  647, 551, 531, 474,  361, 226 and 117

See also the Part 3 of the following topics about food: 715 & 320


  • What do people in your country like to eat?

  • (For Chinese candidates) Why is hot pot so popular in your country?

  • Do people eat different things in different seasonsFQ

  • (Similar to above) What do people in your country like to eat during different seasonsFQ

  • Who do you think is more responsible for teaching children about food, school teachers or parents?

  • Do you think the government has a responsibility to encourage people to have good eating habits? *

  • How can the government change people’s eating habits?

  • Can people get good information about food on the internet?

Food and Culture

  • Would you say food (or, eating) is an important part of the culture of your country?

  • What are some differences between the diet in foreign countries and in your country?

  • Do you think it's possible to know about another culture without eating its food?

  • Is it necessary to travel abroad in order to taste different kinds of foods?

  • Are there any restaurants in your hometown that specialize in foreign food?

  • Do you think more people in your country today are more willing to eat foreign foods than they were a few decades ago?


  • Do people in your country like to go out to eat?  FQ  See Note 1

  • Do people in your country prefer to eat at home, or in a restaurant?  FQ

  • What kinds of restaurants are there in your hometown?

  • What are some factors to consider when choosing a restaurant?

  • Besides the food, what else can attract customers to a restaurant FQ

  • (Similar to above) In addition to the quality of the food, what are some other factors that make a restaurant a good restaurant?  FQ

  • (Similar to above) In addition to the quality of the food, what are some other aspects that contribute to a restaurant being successful FQ

  • Which do you think is more important when choosing a restaurant, the service or the food (the taste of the food)?

  • What type of restaurants are most popular in your country?

  • Do you think restaurants will change very much in the future?


760.  A Website  (Sep. 2016)  (Probably no longer used)

Describe a website you often visit.

            You should say:

                    which website it is

                    how you know (or, first learned) about it

                    what is it about

             and explain why you like it *  


          .     and explain why you often visit it. *



Possible follow-up questions:

  • Would you recommend that website to others?

  • Have you told your friends about that website?


Part 3

See also the Part 3 questions for Topic 716, Topic 593, 475, 385 & 269, 114

The Internet in Your Country 

  • How popular is the internet in your country?

  • How often do people in your country use the internet?

  • What skills are needed in order to use the internet?

  • Do people of all ages use the internet?  FQ

  • How do young and elderly people differ in their internet usage?  FQ

  • Can you explain why young people use the internet much more than older people (or, elderly people)?  FQ

  • Why do most elderly people not know how to use the internet?

  • Would you say that some young people are overly reliant on apps (or, internet software)?

  • Are there any people who don’t use the internet?

  • What effects do you think the internet has on our everyday lives?  FQ

  • Would you say the internet makes the world a better place?  FQ

Uses of the Internet 

  • Would you agree that the internet is important?

  • Who benefits most from the internet?

  • Do you think the internet is essential for education?

  • Would you say that the internet makes our lives easier?

  • What do you think about online shopping?

  • What effect is online shopping having on our lives?

  • What would you say are the advantages and disadvantages of online shopping?  FQx2

  • What effect is online shopping having on the owners of regular shops (offline shops)?  FQ

  • Do you have any suggestions on how these regular shop owners could compete with internet shopping?

  • Do you think these online shops should be able to sell counterfeit goods (counterfeit brands)?

  • Do you think online shopping will increase in the future, or will it decrease?  FQ

  • How do think the internet might develop in the future (the next few decades)?

Children & the Internet 

  • Do you think children should use the internet?

  • What sorts of websites do children most often use?

  • Do you think children should start using the internet at an early age?  FQ

  • What do you think are the effects, both positive and negative, of children using the internet at a young age?

  • When (at what age) is a good time for children to learn how to use the internet?  FQ

  • (Similar to above) When (at what age) is a good time for children to start using the internet?  FQ


Note 1

This means to go to restaurants etc. to eat. It does not mean to eat outdoors, in the fresh air!

Note 2

Whenever the word, "successful" or "success" is used in a question, you should quickly remind yourself what "goal" or "aim" this success is related to. To "succeed" means to reach a goal. Possibly even add some words in your answer that refer to this goal.

Note 3

A question expressed using the words, "What sports are most popular in your country?" does not differentiate between spectator sports and and sports that people participate in. Similarly, some of those questions in this Part 3 that use the word, "sport" + words such as "like", "prefer" and "enjoy" do not differentiate between the two.

The question, "What kinds of exercise do people in your country prefer to do?" does not have this problem because there is no such thing as "spectator exercise".

Note 4

For the question, "Can you explain why certain sporting events attract (so) many spectators?"  it is suitable to replace the word, "spectators" with "audience" if you are referring to people watching the sports event on TV or listening to it on the radio. But if you are referring to the people who are actually there at the event, watching it, then "audience" is not a suitable word to use. (But it is suitable to use the word "audience" when referring to people at a concert or a performance such as a play.)