Updated Aug. 1, 2017


IELTS Part 2 and Part 3 Topics and Questions

Page 130


646.  A Place Where You Can Read or Write  (May, 2015)   (Probably no longer used)

647.  A Café or Restaurant that You Like  (May, 2015)   (Probably no longer used)

648.  A Place to Relax  (May, 2015)   (Probably no longer used)

649.  A Time When You Were a Member of a Team  (May, 2015)   (Probably no longer used)

650.  An Historic Building  (May, 2015)   (Probably no longer used)



FQ = frequent question = a question that has frequently been reported = a question that is probably in the examiner's question book

* = my guess at a question


646.  A Place Where You Can Read or Write  (May, 2015)   (Probably no longer used)

Describe a place where you read and write (not your home) *

               You should say:

where it is

 how often you go there *

 what you read and write there / who else goes there *

and explain why you read and write at this place. *





Possible follow-up questions:


Part 3

See also the Part 3 of 463, 189 and 52. There are also many pages that have questions related to education but these are simply too numerous to list here.

Places to Read and Write

Childhood Reading

Reading and Writing in Your Country


647.  A Café or Restaurant that You Like  (May, 2015)   (Probably no longer used)

Describe a café restaurant that you like (to go to). *

               You should say:

where it is

 how often you go there

 what types of food it has

and explain why you like it.





Possible follow-up questions:


Part 3

Many of the questions below were used before when this Part 2 was used. See also the Part 3 of 551, 474, 226 and 117. There are many more pages that have some of the questions similar to those below. I have not listed them all here because there are simply too many of them..


Food Nutrition & Safety

    Diet / Nutrition

    Food Safety

Food Globalization

See Note 2 and Note 3

No questions yet but the topic has been reported as in use.


648.  A Place to Relax  (May, 2015)   (Probably no longer used)

Describe a place where you (usually / often / sometimes) go to relax. (Not your home)

               You should say:

where this place is

how you found this place

what you do there

and explain why you choose to go to this place to relax. *





Possible follow-up questions:


Part 3

See also the Part 3 of Topics 449, 374, 248 and 94

Places and Ways to Relax

The Importance of Relaxing

Old People ('Senior Citizens') and Relaxation


649.  A Time When You Were a Member of a Team  (May, 2015)   (Probably no longer used)

Describe a team that you were a member of.

               You should say:

 what team it was (or, where it was) *

 who was on the team

 what you did together in this team (= the purpose of the team)

and explain why you became a member of this team




Possible follow-up questions:


Part 3

For the topic of 'Groups' see also any relevant Part 3 questions at: 578, 511, 448, 402, 225 and  290

For the topic of 'Leaders' see also any relevant Part 3 questions at: 371, 323, Topic 60 and Topic 2

For the topic of 'Success' see also any relevant Part 3 questions at: 595, 571, 379, 344, 296, 173, 109 and 43

Teams and Teamwork

    Team Leaders

Children and Teams

International Collaboration


650.  An Historic Building  (May, 2015)   (Probably no longer used)

Describe an historic building that you have visited.

               You should say:

what it was

where it was

why you went there

                and explain what features of the building you found interesting. *



  • Beginning in May, people stopped reporting "A Historic Place" (Topic 603) and started reporting the words, "A Historic Building".

  • However,  you definitely should look at the Part 3 questions for Topic 603, in additional to the Part 3 questions below. Note that a "historic place" (or historic site) can include a building but not necessarily so. For example, the site of a famous historic battle might not have any buildings. But a "historic building" is always both a "historic place" and a "historic building".


Possible follow-up questions:


Part 3

On the topic of historic buildings and buildings in general, see also the Part 3 of 532, 383, 327, 243, 314, 71, 35 & 13

On the topic of history, see also the Part 3 of Topic 603, Topic 188, 264, 411 & 491

See Note 6

Historic Buildings



Note 1

I used to see some high school students in China spending a long time in McDonalds doing their homework, or studying. Maybe those places were cooler in summer or warmer in winter than other places to study.

Note 2

The meaning of "globalization"

If you look in different dictionaries and at different places on the internet, you will realize that  there are two, somewhat different definitions, or usages, of  the word, "globalization". This is a political question and different places on the internet (and different dictionaries) define the word according to the political ideology that the website (or dictionary) endorses.

Definition 1

The first paragraph of the Wikipedia article on this topic defines, "globalization" as a general integration of the cultures of the world so that the peoples and countries of the world become more interdependent and, implicitly, more unified. Below is that first paragraph.

"Globalization (or globalisation) is the process of international integration arising from the interchange of world views, products, ideas, and other aspects of culture.[1][2] Advances in transportation and telecommunications infrastructure, including the rise of the telegraph and its posterity the Internet, are major factors in globalization, generating further interdependence of economic and cultural activities.[3] "

This definition is favoured by those who endorse capitalism or, more specifically, "corporatism", which is the growth of multi-national corporations and the increase in the political power of these corporations. They favour this definition because it deflects attention away from the negative international activities of, and the increase in political power of many multinational corporations.

Definition 2

The second definition focuses almost completely on multinational corporations. This definition is favoured by socialists and others who oppose what they see as the negative activities of multinational corporations. The most prominent of these negative activities is the privatization of state-owned assets, especially but not exclusively in the poorer countries, with ownership of these assets passing into the hands of multinational corporations. The negative results of this privatization include the formation of monopolies, such as electricity producers or phone companies, the increase in prices charged to consumers, the laying-off of some workers, and the exporting of wealth (the profits) from these countries to overseas destinations, i.e., to the multinational corporations, especially if little or no company tax is paid to the host government.

This second definition is mentioned in the third paragraph of the Wikipedia article, although it expresses it more in terms of "business" and "trade"  rather than specifically mentioning "privatization", which is not mentioned at all -

"The term globalization has been increasingly used since the mid-1980s and especially since the mid-1990s.[6] In 2000, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) identified four basic aspects of globalization: trade and transactions, capital and investment movements, migration and movement of people, and the dissemination of knowledge.[7] Further, environmental challenges such as climate change, cross-boundary water and air pollution, and over-fishing of the ocean are linked with globalization.[8] Globalizing processes affect and are affected by business and work organization, economics, socio-cultural resources, and the natural environment."

If you are interested in knowing more about this topic, you can search the internet for a book, "CONFESSIONS OF AN ECONOMIC HIT MAN - JOHN PERKINS", including several Youtube interviews of John Perkins, or videos based on his book.

Confessions Of An Economic Hitman (1 of 3)

Confessions Of An Economic Hitman (2 of 3) =

Confessions Of An Economic Hitman (3 of 3)

Note 3

People have reported that this is a Part 3 topic here but so far no actual questions have been reported. The most obvious questions that you should be prepared to discuss are, "Do you think the globalization of food is important?" and, "Do you think the globalization of food is good?"

Of course, if you can buy imported bananas and pineapples when you are living in a country that is experiencing a freezing, snowy winter, then that is good. But there is more to this topic than that.

The globalization of food production and marketing is now a major issue (a serious issue) and will become even more important in the future. This is especially the case now that the TPP and TIPP international trade agreements are (possibly) on the verge of coming into force. You should try to make yourself familiar with at least some some of the issues involved here.

Two of the most important aspects of food globalization are: a) The growth of industrial scale farming, especially in Third World countries such as in Africa and, b) The production and sale of GMO foods. Another important issue is the fact that the livelihoods of farmers in one country would be adversely affected if food was imported from where it is grown cheaper. A good example of that is the rice farmers of Japan. At the moment, and in the past, Japanese rice farmers have been protected because the Japanese government imposes heavy tariffs on imported rice.

On the topic of  industrial scale farming,

1) Watch the video, 'Planet for Sale' at 

2) Watch the video (preview only) , 'No Land, No Food, No Life' at  and see the website, You can view the whole film by paying a small fee.

3) Read about the contents of the film, 'No Land, No Food, No Life' at


On the topic of GMO foods,

1) Watch the video, 'Seeds of Freedom' at

2) Watch the short video, 'Monsanto Caused 291,000 Suicides In India' at

3) Watch the video, 'The World According to Monsanto' at

4) Watch the video, 'Seeds of Death' at


On the topic of the so-called "trade agreements", TPP and TTIP,

5) Watch the short video, 'TPP: The Dirtiest Trade Deal You've Never Heard Of ' at

6) Watch the short video, 'The truth behind the secret TTIP trade deal' at


Note 4

The wording reported was, "Do you think we should let children eat fast foods" but that might be inaccurate. If it is accurate, then it means, "Should society let children eat fast foods?",  = "Should society permit children to eat fast foods?"which of course means, "Should the government let children eat fast foods?"  This question would be testing your understanding of the word, "let". "Let someone do something" means "allow someone to do something". Obviously, for the government to ban children from eating fast food would be much too authoritarian, much too totalitarian. Few people would say that it is one of the responsibilities of government to do that, or that it would be a positive thing.

On the other hand, most people would say that it is reasonable for parents to place such bans on the behaviour of their own (young) children, if the parents so choose.

Note 5

This question (if it accurately reported) is probably not expecting people to talk about direct involvement of governments in the management of such restaurants (such as KFC & McDonalds) but it might be reasonable to say that government should place some controls on how these restaurants are advertised (marketed). That is, some controls on how much and in what ways the restaurants aim their advertisements at children.

Note 6

See any notes I wrote for the previously used topics, listed above. The most important point to note is that not all old buildings have historic significance, meaning not all old buildings can be called, "historic", especially if the buildings are only a little old and if many other buildings of the same type still exist.

Note 7

This might mean, "How do working people relax after work?" But it might be referring to break time at work.

Note 8

As I wrote in a note once when this question was used before, there is a third choice besides governments and individuals - companies. As well as that, groups of local citizens (individuals forming a group) who value historic buildings sometimes volunteer to do this work, for free.

Note 9

Everybody who reports this questions reports that the words, "old buildings" are used, not "historic buildings". Obviously not all old buildings are historic (= have historic importance) so the examiner is giving you the opportunity to clarify his or her question.

Note that a building does not necessarily have to have played a role in an important historical event to be called a "historic building", although I think that is the case for most historic buildings. A building could be considered "historic" simply because the style of the building represents a certain era, especially if there are not many buildings of that style (or, of that era) still in existence.

Note 10

Some people are reporting that the word, "healthy" is used for that question instead of "nutritious". "Healthy" implies both nutritious and safe to eat.