Updated Aug 6, 2017


IELTS Part 2 and Part 3 Topics and Questions

Page 151

751.  A Film  (Sep. 2016)  (Probably no longer used)

752.  A Wild Animal  (Sep. 2016)  (Probably no longer used)

753.  An Interesting or Unusual Activity  (Sep. 2016)  (Probably no longer used)

754.  An Event You Prepared For  (Sep. 2016)  (Probably no longer used)

755.  An Expensive Activity  (Sep. 2016)  (Probably no longer used)



FQ = frequent question = a question that has frequently been reported = a question that is probably in the examiner's question book

* = my guess at a question


751.  A Film  (Sep. 2016)  (Probably no longer used)

Describe your favourite film.

        You should say:

                when and where you saw it

                who you were with

                what the film was about

        and explain why you liked it.             .



  • The use of the word, "favourite" is problematic in Part 2 questions. The question wording might simply be, "Describe a film that you liked". If the word, "favourite" is really used on the question card, don't waste time trying to decide which is your favourite. Instead, just choose "one of your favourite films".


Possible follow-up questions:

  • Do your friends also like that film?

Part 3

As with the topic, "A Friend", the topic of "A Film" is almost always in the speaking test. The following are previous Part 2 topics about "a film": 628, 562, 542, 429, 440, 478, 494, 341, 397, 341, 278, 200, 145, 99 and 6.

Film-watching Preferences in Your Country

  • What types of films do people in your country prefer to watch? FQ

  • Do young people watch the same films as older people?

  • What kinds of films do your parents like?

  • What are the differences between the films that young people and elderly people like? FQ

  • (Possibly the question above is this) What are the differences between the films that children like and and films that adults like? FQ

  • Do many people today like to see black and white films? FQ

  • Can you suggest why some people like to watch movies with no sound? (Hint: Charlie Chaplin)

  • Can you explain why some people like horror films?

The Film Industry

  • Do you think making movies is very profitable?

  • Why do movies make so much money?

  • Would you say they make too much money?

  • Do you feel that the prices of cinema tickets are reasonable?

  • Can you explain why it usually costs a lot of money to make a film?

  • Do you think the film industry spends too much money to make a film? FQ

  • (Similar to above) Do you think spending so much money is really necessary in order to make a profit? FQ

  • Do you think that's a waste of money? FQ

  • Why do you think some Hollywood film actors are paid so much? FQ

  • Can you suggest what causes some movies to be successful while others are not?

  • Do you think film makers should only make films based on reality, or is it OK to make films based on fiction?

  • Would you say the history of your country is accurately portrayed in films?

  • Are Hollywood movies very popular in your country?

  • Do you prefer foreign or domestic movies? FQ

  • (Similar to above) What is the difference between domestic and foreign films? FQ

  • Do you think it's important for each country to have a domestic film industry? FQ

  • In what ways do you think the film industry might change in the future? FQ

  • (Similar to above) In what ways do you think films might change in the future? FQ


752.  A Wild Animal  (Sep. 2016)  (Probably no longer used)

Describe a situation when you were close to a wild animal.

                    You should say:

                                    Where it was

                                    Who you were with

                                    What the animal did

                    and explain how you felt about it.



Possible follow-up questions:


Part 3

The questions below are very similar to what was asked previously when this Part 2 was used. Possibly the Part 3 questions in the examiner's question book are exactly the same as before. Previous "animal" Part 2 topics were: Topic 696, Topic 565, Topic 353, Topic 244, Topic 134 & Topic 39

Wild Animals

  • Are there many wild animals in your country?

  • Where can wild animals be seen in your country?

  • What animals do people in your country like the most?


  • Are zoos popular in your country?

  • What animals are in zoos in your country?

  • What is the purpose of having zoos?

  • Do you think it's okay to keep animals in zoos?

  • Do you think it's good to keep animals in cages?

  • Are they well looked after in zoosFQ

  • What do zoos look like in your country? Are they clean and sanitary?

  • Can you explain why people like to look at animals?

  • Do you think it's better for children to watch documentaries about animals, or to see the animals in zoos?

  • Would you say taking children to a zoo educates themFQ

  • How can (or, do) zoos influence the education of children (or people)?

  • Do you think zoos have a responsibility to educate people (or, children) about the animals they are keeping?

  • Should zoos be a part of education?  See Note 1

  • What are the benefits of parents going to a zoo with their children?

  • Do you think only children benefit from (or are interested in) seeing wild animals?

  • In your opinion, what kinds of animals should not be in zoos?

  • Would you say lions and tigers are too dangerous to be in zoos?

  • Do you think it's right for humans restrict the freedom of wild animals?

  • Would you say that some wild animals actually benefit from being in a zoo?

    Endangered Animals

  • Do you think governments are doing enough to protect endangered animals?

  • Why should we protect them?

  • Is their natural habitat affected by people?


  • Why do more people have pets nowadays, compared to several decades ago?

  • Can you explain why many people like to have pets?  FQ

  • What animals are popular as pets in your country?

  • Which do you think makes a better pet, a dog or a cat?

  • Do you think it's suitable to have a pet dog if you live in an apartment?

  • What can children learn from having a pet?

  • Do you think all animals are suitable to be kept as pets?

  • Why do some people like to have some strange pets, such as snakes or spiders?

  • Are there any differences between the pets that elderly people have, and the pets that young people have?

Human Usage of Animals

  • Can you define what the word, "animal" means?

  • What benefits do humans get from animals?

  • In your country, is there much difference in the way animals are used today, compared to the past?

  • Do people in your country still use animals for work?

  • Why do people choose to do experiments on animals such as monkeys and rats?

  • Do you think it's OK to use animal fur?

  • Some people feel we should not kill animals at all. Do you agree?

  • Why do you think some people become vegetarians?

A Working Animal



753.  An Interesting or Unusual Activity  (Sep. 2016)  (Probably no longer used

Describe an interesting or unusual thing you did recently.

You should say:

What it was

Where you did it

Who you did it with

And explain why (you think) it was unusual or interesting. 




Possible follow-up questions:


Part 3

See also the Part 3 of of past topics about an unusual or interesting activity: 348 and 19

See also the Part 3 of of past topics about free time activities: 753 431, 202, 82

See also the Part 3 of of past topics about outdoor activities:  501, 367, 292 &  57

Free-time Activities

Children's & Young People's Free Time


754.  An Event You Prepared For  (Sep. 2016)  (Probably no longer used)

Describe a happy event you prepared for.

           You should say:

                   what the event was

                   how you prepared for it

                   who helped you to prepare

           and explain why you prepared for it.             .




Possible follow-up questions:


Part 3

Preparing in Daily Life

(Similar to planning in daily life, which is the thinking part, followed by preparing, which is the actualization of the planning.)

Being Well-organized


One-day Events

Children Being Prepared


755.  An Expensive Activity  (Sep. 2016)  (Probably no longer used)

Describe an activity you occasionally do that is a little expensive.

                You should say:

                                    what it is

                                    who you do it with

                                    where you do it

                and explain why you choose to do it.             .



Possible follow-up questions:


Part 3

See also any related questions in the Part 3 of the following topics: 610, 556, 541, 358, Topic 283, 216, Topic 170, 48 &Topic 5

Expensive Activities / Luxury Goods

  • Do people in your country like to buy expensive things?

  • What are some examples of expensive things that people in your country commonly buyFQ

  • (Similar to above) What expensive things do people in your country like to buyFQ

  • Can you explain why many people buy expensive jewelry?

  • Do you think it’s a good choice to buy expensive things?

  • Do you think buying expensive things can change a person's mood?

  • Can you tell me any examples of expensive activities that people around the world do?

  • What differences in expensive activities do foreigners and people in your country like to do?

Consumption Habits

  • In what ways do people choose to spend money?

  • Do you think men and women spend their money on the same kinds of thingsFQ

  • Do young men and older men spend their money on the same things?

Having a Lot of Money

  • Is it good to have money?

  • Do you want to be wealthy?

  • What would it mean to you?

  • Why do people want to have a lot of money?

  • Do you think that rich people are always good at managing money?

  • Is it a problem if a person suddenly gets a lot of money?

  • (Similar to above) Do you think it is good for a person to suddenly have a lot of money?

  • Would you be jealous if your friends or relatives suddenly had a lot of money?

  • If you suddenly received a lot of money do you think you would be able to keep it a secret?

  • What are some advantages and disadvantages of being wealthy?

  • Should wealthy people do good things for society?

  • (Similar to above) Do you think wealthy people should do good things to help the poor?

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of charities?

  • What do you think are the implications of having a large degree of wealth inequality in society?

  • In your opinion, who is happier, rich people or poor people?

  • Would you say that the best things in life are free?

  • Why do people get happiness from cheap products?

  • Why do some women need many shoes?

  • If you were buying a purse, what factors would you need to consider before making your purchase?

  • Do you think it's good for parents to give their children a lot of money?


Note 1

This question probably means, "Do you think schools should include a visit to a zoo as part of the school curriculum?"

Note 2

What is "an event"?

It's an occurrence that is special, important or unique, that usually happens at a set time. It might happen only once, such as the birth of a child or your graduation from university, or at set times each year such as major festivals and holidays like New Year. The Olympic Games is an event that happens every four years.

The death of someone close to you, or a funeral (a ceremonial event) are events but these are not happy events. Serious accidents are also examples of unhappy events.

Some examples of events are: celebrations such as parties; ceremonial events (ceremonies) such as a graduation, a wedding or the giving of an award or prize ; competitions (contests) such as The World Cup, or even a typical football game that is held between two teams in your national football league, or a debating contest at university; performances such as a concert where a famous pop singer performed, or a play that is put on by students at your high school; and social events such as a ball (a dance, 舞会). A tennis match between you and a friend is not special enough to be called an event, except in the case of it being the first time you played a tennis match.

Some activities are not normally considered to be "events" because they are not special enough while certain special examples of these activities can be considered to be events. For example, sitting for a typical exam is not considered to be an event but sitting for your College Entrance Exam at the end of high school could be called an event. Going to the cinema to see a film is not usually a special event, especially since the cinema might show the same film every day for weeks (i.e., it is not held once, at one set time) but if you attend the opening night of a film, when the actors in the film and other special guests attend, then that could be considered to be an event. Also, your first experience of going to a cinema can be described as an event.

Strangely, for some reason, some people would not consider attending a job interview to be "an event" even though it is special to you. However, that experience could be used if you emphasize something special about it.

Many activities that people engage in are not normally considered to be "events" but if the activity is "a first" for you then that can sometimes be called an event. For example, walking up to the top of a popular mountain is not really an event but the first time you did it, especially if it involved considerable effort to achieve it or if the experience left a strong impression on you, then you can call it an event in your life, something you had never done before. The same applies to visiting another country or a special place – if it is a first for you and you feel it was somehow special, then you can call it an event. Going to hospital for a minor operation is not normally called an event but having a major operation can be called an event (although usually not a happy event).

Some events are natural phenomena such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, major floods, typhoons (cyclones, hurricanes) but these are not happy events. On the other hand, a spectacular volcanic eruption that you witnessed from a safe distance could be called a "happy event" if it filled you with wonder and excitement. Similarly, an eclipse of the sun or the moon or similar astronomical events would also be suitable examples if you emphasize that it was a positive experience for you (i.e., made you "happy"). Seeing snow is not special enough to be called an event but seeing snow, especially falling snow, for the first time could be called an event in your life. But seeing a rainbow after a rain shower is not rare enough to be called an event.

Personal achievements that require some effort can be called events in your life i.e., when they are special to you, such as passing your driving test and getting your driver's licence, or even getting the IELTS score that you aimed for!

Note 3

 "Well-organized" is a rather general term. It usually applies to being organized with, a) one's time usage or, b) being organized with one's possessions, such as having a tidy desk top and knowing where to find your things when you want them. One can also have a well-organized way of thinking or solving problems ("a well-organized mind"), that is, logical thinking.

Note 4

A "one day event" lasts for a whole day. Obviously, one example is holidays (festivals) such as New Year's day.

Note 5

"Effectively" means, "it has the results that are intended". That means that someone is doing something with an aim or goal.

On the other hand, if the word used is "efficiently" (which is most likely to be the real word used here) then the question really means, "How can children learn to use their time so that time is not wasted? "Efficiently" means, "without much waste". For example, if you spend your money efficiently then you don't waste any (or much) of your money.

Note 6

The word reported was, "children", i.e., people between the ages of about 4 and 12. If the words used were really, "young people" then it is more suitable to talk about people aged from about 13 to 25 or 30.

Note 7

Most likely the real words used are "indoors" and "outdoors". But if the words used are, "at home" and  "out of the home" then the meaning is not always the same as "indoors or outdoors".  For example, if you go to a cinema then that is spending time indoors even though it is out of your home.

Note 8

The word used is most likely to be "entertainment" but if it is, "recreation" then the meaning is different. All entertainment is a form of recreation but not all recreational activities can be described as "entertainment".