Type 1: Typical compound Nouns – STRESS ON FIRST WORD

This Page: Page 10:  Compound Nouns composed of Adverb or Preposition + Noun


To Page 1  Second Noun starts with A - B

To Page 2  Second Noun starts with C - D

To Page 3  Second Noun starts with E - L

To Page 4  Second Noun starts with M - P

To Page 5  Second Noun starts with Q - T

To Page 6  Second Noun starts with U - Z

To Page 7  Random list

To Page 8  Compound Nouns from Phrasal Verbs - Verb first

To Page 9  Compound Nouns from Phrasal Verbs - Adverb first

To Page 10  Compound Nouns composed of Adverb or Preposition + Noun

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[Note that this applies only when two words are combined to form a noun. Verbs that are formed in this way generally have the stress on the second word, such as "to overtax" and "to overthrow".]

an in-law (e.g., mother-in-law)

an outfield

an outhouse

an outlaw

an out-patient

an outpost

an outrider

an outstation

an overcharge

an overcoat

an overdose

an overlord


an overtone

an undercarriage


an updraught

a downdraught

an underclass

an undercurrent

an underdog

an undergarment

an understatement

a pair of underpants

an undershirt


an/the underworld

an upbeat

a downbeat

an upland

the outskirts

the upshot



"an overstatement" but, "an understatement"

an undergraduate (This was probably originally an adjective, not a noun, as in, "an undergraduate student")