Lists of Word Combinations



These ideas were mentioned on the page, "Answers to Diagnostic Test 1."  If you have not done the self-test on sentence stress or have not read the explanations on that page then you might not fully understand what these lists represent and how to speak them.  

It is not vital for you to do the diagnostic test before looking at these lists. But I think it is a good idea to do so because many people have a false sense of confidence that they already know how to pronounce these different word combinations. If you first do the test and see how many items you get wrong, you will then be more interested and more motivated to study these lists.

As a second-best option, you could do the test after studying these lists, to see how much you really learned from the lists.


Click on a link below to see the lists. (Some lists include links to voice recordings).

If there is no blue link, that means the page has not yet been uploaded to the internet.


Summary of All Lists: This summary contains a few examples of voice recordings of the different types of stress pattern. Click on an example to hear the recording. The best idea is to mimic the recordings.


Type 1: Typical compound Nouns STRESS ON FIRST WORD  

Type 2: Adjective + Noun (not joined) STRESS ON SECOND WORD

Type 3: Adjective + Noun (always joined when written) – STRESS ON FIRST WORD

Type 4: Special Compound Nouns: Noun + Noun STRESS ON SECOND WORD

Type 5: Names: “The X Y”, Stress on X 

Type 6: Names: “The X Y”, Stress on Y

Type 7: Names of People and Roads (including Avenues and Lanes): “ X Y”, Stress on Y

Type 8: Names of Streets: “ X Street”, Stress on X

Type 9: Adjective (implied contrast) + Noun    STRESS ON FIRST WORD

Type 10: Examples of Compound Adjectives STRESS ON SECOND WORD


Which word is stressed when you say, "drinking water", "a cleaning woman" or "a travelling salesman"?

Many people make mistakes when they speak two-word combinations where the first word ends with "ing". On a separate page, you will be able to learn the basic rules for this pronunciation and you will be able to mimic many recordings.
