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Type 3: Adjective + Noun (always joined when written) – STRESS ON FIRST WORD
The stress pattern of the examples on this page is another example of the general rule: "When two words are joined together in writing, i.e., written as one word, to form a noun, no matter what type of word the first word is (whether a noun, adjective, adverb, preposition or verb), the first word is spoken with more stress than the second word."
[Note that this applies only when two words are combined to form a noun. Verbs that are formed in this way generally have the stress on the second word, such as "to overtax" and "to overthrow".]
I suggest you consider the first list, called the "Basic List", as part of your essential "IELTS vocabulary" because these words are often used or needed in the Speaking test by candidates.
List 2 is similar to the Basic List but these words are much less frequently needed or used in the test.
List 3 has words that English speakers are familiar with and use sometimes but these examples would be rarely used in the IELTS Speaking test.
List 4 has examples that are even rarely used by native English speakers.
Also note that some words are considered to be rather offensive and it is of course, not a good idea to use these in the Speaking test.
Basic List
a blackberry (audio on right)
You could also choose to use the British pronunciation, blackberry but that pronunciation is less clear than the North American pronunciation.
a blackout
a freeway
a granddad
a grandson
a highway
a hotdog
a hotspot
a newcomer
a superman
a wildfire
an Englishman
a shortcut
(a) softball
List 2
a "busybody"
a darkroom
a deadline
a deadlock
a downfall
a highjack
a hotbed
hotcakes ("sell like hotcakes")
a hothouse
a loudspeaker (Am.) a loudspeaker (Br.)
(a merrymaker) merrymakers
bluegrass (a kind of country and western music)
a hotline
a brownout
a/the shortlist
the nearside
a "lazybones"
a hotshot
a halfwit
a hotplate
a redhead
a wetland
a wetsuit
a whiteout
List 3
a dumbbell (offensive if used to mean, "a stupid person")
lowlife (offensive)
superconductor (Br.) Also: a superconductor (Br.), superconductor (U.S.)
a fullback
a halfback
a halfbreed (offensive)
hardball ("play hardball")
a superbug
blackjack (a card game)
a sidecar
a half-caste (offensive)
a highbrow (a highbrow person)
a hot-rod
a six-pack
the lowdown
the Superbowl (in the U.S.)
a fathead (offensive)
a longbow
List 4
a bluebell (a type of flower)
a bluebird
a bluebottle (a living thing in the ocean)
a forepart
a supertax
a tallboy
a wetback (offensive)
Bluebeard (a name)
quicksilver (= Hg = mercury)
the quicktime (a dance style)
the superstructure
a flatfish