Updated Sep 10, 2017


IELTS Part 2 and Part 3 Topics and Questions

Page 157

781.  A Plan (not work or study related) (Jan. 2017)  (Probably no longer used)

782.  A Time When You Had to Wait (Jan. 2017)  (Probably no longer used)

783.  Good Customer Service (Jan. 2017)  (Probably no longer used)

784.  A Famous Person (Jan. 2017)  (Probably no longer used)

785.  A Quiet Place (Jan. 2017)  (Probably no longer used)



FQ = frequent question = a question that has frequently been reported = a question that is probably in the examiner's question book

* = my guess at a question


781.  A Plan (not work or study related) (Jan. 2017)  (Probably no longer used)

Describe a plan that you have (not related to work or study).

            You should say:

what the plan is

when you want to achieve it

what preparation is (or will be)  needed

            and explain why you want to achieve this plan.



  • Previous Part 2 topics similar (or identical) to this are 441 and possibly 217.


Possible follow-up questions:

  • Have you told anyone else about this plan?


Part 3

See also the Part 3 of the following topics: 441, 217, 499, 360, 97, 22, 700, Topic 609 & 380,.

Possibly some of the previous Part 2 topics about "Success" also have similar Part 3 questions to those below. These are at Topic 662, Topic 571, 43, 109, 173, 296, 344, 379 & 595.

Planning in General

  • Do you like to make plans?
  • Why do many people make plans?

  • What sorts of (everyday) plans do average people make?  FQ

  • What are some examples of plans that people need to make FQ

  • Who needs to (or, should) make plans?

  • Would you say planning is important?

  • Do you think that people should have plans in their lives?

  • What do you think are the benefits of having plans FQ

  • Do you think it's a good idea to make a plan for each day?

  • Do you think most people actually implement their plans (= put their plans into action)?

  • Do you think most plans are implemented exactly as they were originally planned?

  • What do you suggest people do when their plans turn out to be unsuccessful?

  • Do you think it's possible to be successful without a plan? 

  • Some people think success is more a question of luck than a question of planning. What do you think?

  • Can you explain why some people don't make plansFQ

  • (Not exactly the same as above) Can you explain why some people don't like to make plansFQ

  • What would you say is the difference between those who plan, and those who don't FQ

  • (Similar to above) What sorts of people don't make plansFQ

  • (Similar to above) What sorts of people dislike plansFQ

  • Can you suggest why some people think they don’t need to make plans?

  • Do you think making plans is difficult?

  • What do you think a plan should include?   See Note 2

  • Do you think life is possibly more interesting without a plan?  See Note 3

  • Do you think we need to make a plan before we do everything?

  • Can you think of any unplanned things that people do in lifeFQ

 The Plans of Young People

See Note 1

  • Would you say most young people (or, teenagers) have career plans?

  • How do (young) people in your country make career plans?

  • Do you think young people should prepare career plans while they are in high school?

  • Would you say it's a good idea to seek the help (or, advice) of others when making important plans?

  • In general, would you say young people like making plans for their future?

  • Do parents influence the career plans of their (teenage) childrenFQ

  • (Similar to above) In your country, what is the role of parents in making decisions that involve their childrenFQ

  • How important do you think the opinions of parents are when it comes to the future of their children?

  • Do you think parents should make plans for their childrenFQ

  • What do you suggest people should do when parents and their children cannot agree on a planFQ

  • Do young children in your country make plans for their future?

  • Do parents in your country often have (career) plans for their children when the children are still very young?

  • How could parents teach their children the skills of making their own plans (decisions about their futures)?

The Plans of Governments and Organizations


782.  A Time When You Had to Wait (Jan. 2017)  (Probably no longer used)

Describe an experience when you had to wait for something.

            You should say:

what you waited for

what you did while waiting

how you felt while waiting

            and explain why you waited



  • Previous Part 2 topics that were similar or identical to this were Topics 673 and 592.

  • There is a difference between a situation when someone "needs to" (= must = has to) wait and a situation when someone chooses to wait. When someone "needs to" wait, there is usually no choice.


Possible follow-up questions:


Part 3

See also the Part 3 of Topics 673 and 592.



Children and Patience


783.  Good Customer Service (Jan. 2017)  (Probably no longer used)

Describe a time when you experienced good customer service (e.g., in a shop or restaurant).

            You should say:

who offered the service

when and where it happened

how you felt about it

            and explain why the service was good.




Possible follow-up questions:


Part 3

See also the Part 3 of Topic 600

Good Service

Bad Service


784.  A Famous Person (Jan. 2017)  (Probably no longer used)

Describe a famous person you are interested in.

            You should say:

who he or she is

when you first learned about (or, heard about) this person

why he or she became famous

            and explain why you are interested in this person.



Possible follow-up questions:


Part 3

See also the Part 3 of Topics 627, 563, 505, 424, Topic 245, Topic 245, Topic 172 & Topic 86

See Note 5

Famous People and Celebrities


785.  A Quiet Place (Jan. 2017)  (Probably no longer used)

Describe a quiet place you like to go to.

            You should say:

where it is

when you go there

what you usually do there

            and explain why you like the place.



Possible follow-up questions:


Part 3

See also any similar questions at the Part 3 of the following topics: 313, 282, 745, 675, 648, 449, 374, 248, 147, & 94

Quiet Places


Background Music


Note 1

Note 2

What do you think a plan should include? 

This question (whatever the exact wording is) is probably asking you to explain the 'parts' of a plan. For example, a plan needs a final gaol, sub-goals (or steps) in logical or sequential order that need to be reached before reaching the final gaol, proposed actions to be taken to reach each sub-goal, an assessment of the recourses that will be needed to reach each sub-goal, and proposals for how to obtain these resources if they are not already available.

Note 3

A useful word for an answer to this is, "spontaneity" or "spontaneous".

Note 4

Are there things that people like waiting for?

The words, "look forward to" and "anticipate" apply here.

Note 5

It seems that the word, "celebrity" has been reported for many of the questions here. But it is possible that the examiners actually used the words, "famous person", not "celebrity" for some or even most of these questions. It is important for you to understand that a "celebrity" is a certain type of famous person but other types of famous people are not "celebrities". That is, all celebrities are one type of famous people but it is not suitable to describe all famous people as celebrities.

Well-known entertainers such as movie stars, well-known pop singers, TV hosts and sometimes sports stars can be called "celebrities". Other examples of celebrities are fashion models or super rich people who are frequently featured in the media, such as in magazine articles. This is especially true if the media articles focus on their personal lives, or their personalities, and the articles are written in popular magazines as opposed to "serious" magazines, or if they give interviews on talk shows on TV that are more for entertainment rather than the more serious talk shows that focus on current events, news etc. Many people recognize the faces of celebrities because we have seen photographs of them quite often.

However some people are famous for more serious reasons, such as being a high-level political leader, a leader in business, a renowned academic, an author of a serious but well-known book, or someone who has done a great deed such as being an inventor or scientist who made a great discovery. In most cases, it is not very suitable to describe these people as "celebrities", especially if people only know their names but generally do not recognize their faces, and if people do not know much about their personal lives or their personalities because these well-known people have never been interviewed by the media.

Note 6

In some cases people become famous because they have a talent for self-promotion and very few other talents that are out of the ordinary.

Note 7

I suggest you avoid calling someone a "star" unless the listener or reader knows what field this person works in, such as acting, singing, playing football etc. It is much better to use a phrase such as, "film star", "sports star" or "entertainment star".