Updated Jan 30, 2020
IELTS Part 2 and Part 3 Topics and Questions
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A Change of Plan
A Person with Interesting Ideas
A Band or Singer
Incorrect Information
FQ = frequent question = a question that has frequently been reported = a question that is probably in the examiner's question book
* = my guess at a question
This is probably a repeat of
Some people have
reported the wording as, "
See also the Part 3 of
Some Extra Vocabulary - http://ielts-yasi.englishlab.net/vocabulary_lists_7.htm#Plans
Making Plans
How do you make a plan? (you = you personally)
(Similar to above) How do people make plans?
What kinds of plans do people usually make?
What are the advantages, and the disadvantages, of making a plan? FQ
When you (= one, a person) change your plan, do you think you should (or, need to) inform others?
Young People and Plans
Do you think it's good for young people to make plans for their future careers (or, working life)?
Is it good for parents and teachers to make plans for young people?
This exact same topic has not been used before.
You need to have a clear and accurate understanding of the definition of the word, "interesting" in order to answer this question well.
Whose ideas are most respected?
Can you give an example of a famous person whose ideas have changed people’s lives?
Children and Ideas
When (at what age) would you say children start to have their
own ideas
Do you think children always have the same ideas (or, opinions) as their parents?
Where do these ideas come from?
How can teachers (or parents) encourage their students (their children) to form their own opinions?
Can you suggest why children, as they grow older, have more and more disagreements with their parents about ideas?
Do you think parents should set up some rules for their children concerning what ideas they express (or, have)?
Music in Your Country
What kinds of music are popular in your country?
What kinds of music do you think will be popular in the future?
Is folk music still very popular in your country?
Do you think people need to learn how to sing (or is it a natural skill)? FQ
(Similar to above)
Do you think women are better singers than men?
Professional Singers
Would you say that popular singers are also good (or, among the best) singers?
What do you think makes a singer attractive to people?
Why do you think some songs become popular while other songs are not often heard?
What do you think makes (or causes) a song to become popular?
The Music Industry
This topic has not been used before.
If you do an internet search under the topic of "hoaxes" then you will get some ideas.
The information might have been originally an innocent mistake, not necessarily information that was a hoax or a lie, meant to deceive people. For example, some earlier scientific theories ar now known to be incorrect, such as the idea that the sun rotates around the earth. (The fact is that the earth rotates around the sun.)
This topic is closely connected to the topic of the media, especially the internet.
Can you give me any examples of job related to information?
(Similar to above)
How can someone tell if the information they receive is right or wrong?
Would you say people trust the
information that is found online?
Exchanging/Giving Information
Do you prefer to use phone calls to communicate, or emails? (Why?)
When (in what situations) do you use use phone calls / emails to communicate?
What do you think are the benefits of using emails?
The Part 3 questions that have been reported in this test period are very similar to, if not identical to questions that have been asked in the past for the Part 2 topic of, "A Place Near Water".
That is, in the past, there often were Part 3 questions on the topic of "water sports" or recreational activities at a place with water when the Part 2 topic was, "A Place Near Water".
I think it is most likely that the real wording for the current topic is similar to the wording shown as Version A, However, it is possible that this time, "A Water Sport" is the real Part 2 topic.
See also the Part 3
questions (especially the FQ questions) for
Places Near Water
Can you suggest why many people like to be in (or, go to) a place near water?
Water Transport
Why do think transport on water was developed?