Updated June. 19, 2019


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Index of this Page

75. Old People

76. Painting & Drawing

77. A Talk, Speech or Lecture

78. Equipment

79. The Seasons & Weather

80. Sport

81. Public Facilities

82. Service

83. Shoes

84. Similarity

85. Skills

86. Success

87. Sunglasses

88. Taught Someone Younger

89. Teachers

90. Watches

91. Driving

92. Want to do

93. Truth, Crime



75. Old People

We also use the term, "my elders" (one's elders) to mean, "the older people (much older than me) in my life, such as my parents, grandparents etc". However, to repeat, "elders" is not usually used to mean, "old people" in general. 


76. Painting & Drawing


77. A Talk, Speech or Lecture


The definition of, “a talk” 

Most of the (British) English dictionaries don’t seem to be defining this word very well. They seem to treat the word as similar to “a chat”. It is similar to “a lecture”, but with some key differences. 

A “talk” can seem similar to a lecture but the topic or purpose of the talk is usually different to the typical topics of lectures, and a talk is less formal than a speech. The purpose of a talk is often to give advice or to give some simple information, or a mixture of both, to a group of people. For example, “He gave an orientation talk to the new students.”  

The following link is a discussion of which word is most often used, “to give a talk”, “to present a talk” or “to deliver a talk”. 

The link below is an article about how to give “a talk” but I don’t really suggest you study this whole page, which is quite advanced and detailed. Just read the first few sentences.


78. Equipment


79. The Seasons & Weather


80. Sport


81. Public Facilities


82. Service


83. Shoes


84. Similarity


85. Skills

i)                   practical skills” (or, “everyday life skills”) such as cooking , using a washing machine, reading a subway map, reading a bus timetable, using an ATM machine (banking). Using a computer is now considered to be a necessary everyday skill.

ii)                Some practical skills could also be called “technical skills” or “specialized skills” such as knowing how to write a computer program, how to repair a car engine, how to build a house etc;

iii)              academic skills” such as reading, writing an essay, knowing how to study; solving calculus problems;

iv)              social skills” such as knowing how to make friends, how to initiate a conversation, knowing how to behave politely, how to express sympathy to someone, how to handle difficult people etc.

v)                artistic skills”, which can include “musical skills” such as playing a musical instrument, composing music, singing, painting and drawing, dancing and acting

vi)              language skills” such as speaking, reading, listening to and writing a language (including your mother tongue)

vii)           physical skills” such as swimming, riding a bicycle, kicking a ball accurately, putting a basketball into the basket accurately, playing golf, and all of the Olympic Games sports.

viii)         mental skills” such as knowing how to memorize, how to think rationally (logically), how to analyse data in order to recognize patterns

ix)              self-control skills” such as controlling anger, impatience, self-discipline


86. Success


87. Sunglasses


88. Taught Someone Younger


89. Teachers


90. Watches


91. Driving


92. Want to do


93. Truth, Crime


To Page 7