Updated Aug. 15, 2017


All Part 1 Questions - Page 2

Page 1 is here

Page 3 is here

Go HERE for the Index of All Part 1 Topics. That index does not always list the topics in alphabetical order, so you will need to search the page for the topics you are interested in.


Index of Topic on Page 2

66.  Time

67.  Neighbours

68.  Magazines and Newspapers

69.  Animals

70.  Colours

71.  Air Travel (= 'Flying')

72.  Museums

73.  The Ocean

74.  Meeting People

75.  Hand-made Things

76.  Numbers

77.  Public Holidays

78.  Happiness

79.  Concerts

80.  Outdoor Activities

81.  Science

82.  Time Management

83.  Children

84.  Walking

85.  Entertainment

86.  Greeting(s) Cards

87.  Bags

88.  Keeping Healthy

89.  Sleep

90.  Boats

91.  Buildings

92.  Concentrating

93.  The Countryside

94.  Patience

95.  Trees

96.  Toys

97.  Being Busy

98.  Sunshine

99.  Politeness

100.  History

101.  Relatives

103.  Plants

104.  Singing

105.  Your Country

106.  Dictionaries

107.  Train Travel

108.  Punctuality

109.  Street Markets

110.  Maps

111.  Days of the Week

112.  Travelling


66. Time

        See some vocabulary

        See also these Part 3 questions.


67. Neighbours

      See Note


68. Magazines and Newspapers

    See also Newspapers on Page 1


69. Animals

Children and Animals (or, Pets)

  • Do children like animals?

  • (Similar to above) What animals do children like?

  • Did you ever visit a zoo when you were a child?

  • Do you think it's important for children to visit a zoo?

  • What was your favourite animal when you were a child?

  • Do a have a pet? (or, Have you ever had a pet?)

  • Did you have any pets when you were a child? 

  • What do you think are the benefits of a child having a pet?

  • (Possibly the question above is this) What benefits did you get from having a pet?

  • If you have children in the future, will you allow them to raise a pet?

  • (Similar to above, but different!) If you had children now, would you let your children raise a pet?

  • Why do (you think) some people have a pet?

Farm Animals

  • What farm animals do you have in your country?

  • Do you think farm animals are important?

  • How are these animals used?

  • (Similar to above) In what ways are animals used in agriculture in your country? (See Note)

  • (Possible question) Do you think raising farm animals is important?

Wild Animals

  • What's the most famous wild animal from your country?

  • What's your favourite wild animal (from your country)?  (See Note)


70. Colours


71. Air Travel (= 'Flying') (= 坐飞机,乘飞机)


72. Museums

See also Topic #54. Art Galleries and Museums


73. The Ocean  (大海)


74.  Meeting People

        See also ALL_PART_1_QUESTIONS 16. Friends

Note: The word, "meet" can mean "meet someone for the first time" or, "get together with someone such as a friend". It is possible that both of these different meanings are used here, in different questions. For example, "Where did you meet your friends?" means "Where and how did you first meet them?" but "Where do you meet your friends?" means, "Where do you usually (or habitually) get together with your friends?" So, some of the questions here might be wrong. For example, "Where do you go to meet (or make) new friends?" does not seem correct because most people don't habitually or frequently go somewhere in order to find new friends. (If they did, it would mean that they can't find or can't keep friends!) It is not too clear what some of these questions are, so pay close attention to the exact words of the examiner.


75.  Hand-made Things

Possibly the examiner will introduce the topic as, "Handicrafts"

See Note 43


76.  Numbers


77.  Public Holidays

This meaning of "holiday" is 节日, similar to "festival".

(The other meaning is the same as, "vacation" or 假期. This is usually used in the plural form such as, "my summer holidays" = "my summer vacation". But this just means your "break from work or from school". If, during your "summer holidays" you go for a two-week trip to the seaside, that trip and that experience is usually spoken as "my summer holiday" not "my summer holidays". In other words, a special trip made for the purpose of relaxation or recreation is also called a "holiday".)

The following two questions might be part of this topic or they might have been erroneously reported using the word, "a holiday" when in fact the examiner used the word, "a weekend".


78.  Happiness

(The wording of some of these questions is not very clear.)


79.  Concerts

The wording for some of these questions is not clear. Listen carefully to the exact words of the examiner because a single change of word can completely change a meaning. For example, to "listen to a concert" can be done by watching it on TV, by listening to a CD or by actually going to the concert and listening to it live. But if the questions asks if if you have ever attended (= been to) a concert, it is asking you about going to and listening to a live concert.


80.  Outdoor Activities


81.  Science

Most of these questions are about science in general, not just about the science subjects you studied in school. However, it is suitable to refer to your school subjects in some of your answers.

How Science is Studied

The Importance of Science


82. Time Management

       See some vocabulary about time


83. Children


84. Walking


85.  Entertainment

 See Note on the meaning of the word, "entertainment"


86.  Greeting(s) Cards

Most people reported this topic using the word, "postcard" but I think that is too restrictive. The examiner probably calls this topic, "Greetings Cards" or possibly just, "Cards".

American English uses "greeting cards" but British English uses, "greetings cards" so the examiner, even an American examiner, will probably use the British English because examiners must say what is written in the question book in Part 1.

You will probably hear that the examiner pronounces this compound noun with the first word, "greetings" spoken stronger than the second word, "card". Listen here. Chinese students (and others) should take care to clearly pronounce the "d" in the word, "card", so that it doesn't sound like "car".

See here for some vocabulary and the Wikipedia article on this topic, here..


87.  Bags


See here for some vocabulary


88.  Keeping Healthy

See Note


89.  Sleep


90.  Boats


91.  Buildings


92.  Concentrating


93. The Countryside


94. Patience


95. Trees


96. Toys


97. Being Busy


98. Sunshine


99.  Politeness


100.  History


101.  Relatives


103.  Plants

See Note


104.  Singing


105.  Your Country

Some of the questions, such as "Please describe your country" are more suitable when testing candidates outside their own countries but this topic still might be used if you do the test in your home country. In the questions below, the examiner will probably use the name of your country instead of the words, "your country".

This topic is used as a normal topic, not as the first Part 1 topic. In other words, it is possible to get either the Work/Studies topic, the Hometown topic or the Home topic as the first topic, as well as this topic.


106.  Dictionaries


107.  Train Travel


108.  Punctuality  (Being on Time)

See also ALL_PART_1_QUESTIONS-PAGE_2.htm#66. Time


109.  Street Markets

See here for information about street markets.


110.  Maps


111.  Days of the Week


112.  Travelling

This is about traveling as a tourist (旅行).
