Updated Feb. 21,  2011


IELTS Part 2 and Part 3 Topics and Questions

Page 61


301.  A Family Member You Admire (Sept. 4, 2010)  (Probably no longer used)

302.  A Useful Piece of Advice  (Sept. 4, 2010)  (Probably no longer used)

303.  A Hotel  (Sept. 4, 2010)  (Probably no longer used)

304.  An Interesting Subject (2)  (Sept. 4, 2010)  (Probably no longer used)

305.  A Family Photograph You Like  (Jan. 8, 2011)  Moved to Topic 393 on February 21, 2012  (Probably no longer used)



FQ = frequent question = a question that has frequently been reported = a question that is probably in the examiner's question book

* = my guess at a question


301.  A Family Member You Admire  (Sept. 4, 2010)  (Probably no longer used)

Describe a member of your family who you admire.

                You should say:

who this person is

what kind of person he or she is

what you and this person usually do together *

and explain why you admire him or her (or, why you admire them).




  • There aren't yet many details available for the wording of this topic but it's probably very similar to Topic 191.


Possible follow-up questions:


Part 3

See also the Part 3 questions  that are related to "family" from the following topics: Topic 55, Topic 116, Topic 146, Topic 191, and Topic 257.

Family Life in Your Country

  • Do you spend a lot of time with your family?

  • Which member of your family do you spend the most time with?

  • In your country, in general, what people comprise "a family"?

  • What do you think is the difference between a relationship with one's friends and one's parents?

  • How do you think a person can maintain a good relationship with the members of his or her family? FQ

  • In the future, do you think people will be closer to their family members than today, or more distant? FQ

Young People Moving Away from the Family Home

Responsibilities Towards Parents

  • Do you think children should carry more responsibility towards the family than most children do now?  (See Note)

  • (Similar to above) Do you think young people should carry more responsibility towards the family than most of them do now?

  • Do you think the role of children in the family (or, in the parent-child relationship) will change in the future?

The Head of the Family

Old Family Members

Family Size

Government Financial Assistance for Families


302.  A Useful Piece of Advice  (Sept. 4, 2010)  (Probably no longer used)

Describe a situation when you received some useful advice.

                You should say:

what the situation was

who gave you the advice

what the advice was

              and explain how useful this advice was to you.



Possible follow-up questions:


Part 3

See notes on the meaning and usage of the word, "advice".

See also the relevant Part 3 questions from Topic 59, Topic 130 and Topic 182

Parental Advice

Professional Advice

Advice from Strangers

Advice From Highly Qualified People


303.  A Hotel  (Sept. 4, 2010)  (Probably no longer used)

Describe a hotel you visited (or stayed at) or have seen. *

               You should say:

                           (why you went there)

                           where it was

                           what the name of the hotel was

                           what the hotel looked like (or, what type of hotel it was; or what facilities it had)

                and explain why people like to/choose to stay at this hotel.


               and explain what the hotel was like (= explain your impressions of this hotel

                = explain how you felt about this hotel)*.  




  • Very little information is available on the wording. The wording above is a copy of Topic 66.

  • In English, we say "stay in (or, at) a hotel", not "live in (or, at) a hotel". However, if you stay in a hotel for a long time (e.g., many months or more) and more or less treat it as your home, you could then use the word, "live". Sometimes a hotel manager lives in the hotel that he or she manages.


Possible follow-up questions:


Part 3

See also Part 3 for Topic 66.

Types of Hotels

Hotel Facilities and Service

The Tourism Industry


304.  An Interesting Subject (2)  (BEFORE Sept. 4, 2010)  (Probably no longer used)

Version A       

Describe a subject that you are studying (in secondary or high school) that you think is interesting

                            You should say:

                                           what the subject is

                                           what your teacher is like

                                           how long you have been studying this subject *

                                          (Or: how long you have been interested in this subject) *

                            and explain why you think it is interesting.


Version B

Describe a subject that you studied (in secondary or high school) that you thought was interesting

                            You should say:

                                           what the subject was

                                           what your teacher was like

                                           how long you studied this subject *

                                          (Or: how long you have been interested in this subject) *

                            and explain why you thought it was interesting.




  • This seems to be a new topic that was introduced in about August 2010. Before August, people were reporting they got Topic 230, which is "Your favourite subject" and in August people started reporting a similar topic but with the word, "interesting".

  • It seems that you cannot choose a university subject.

  • It is unclear what verb tense is used. That's why there are two versions shown here.

  • See here for the meaning of "interesting". It is not simply the same meaning as "something you like"!

  • If you have already finished high school, you should speak in the past tense, (e.g., "I thought it was interesting"), even if you still think that subject is interesting now.


Possible follow-up questions:

  • Did (do) your classmates also find it interesting?


Part 3

See also the Part 3 of Topic 36 and Topic 230

University and School Education Today

  • What are some differences between what people study in university and what they study in (high) school?

  • What are some differences between the way people study in university and the way they study in (high) school?

  • How do university students in your country choose what they study in university?

  • Is it possible in your country for all students to choose to study in university something that they are interested in?

  • Do you feel that university courses in your country prepare the students well for future employment?

  • Do universities have a responsibility to prepare students for "the real world"?

  • (Similar to above) Do you think that universities should prepare students for the "real world"?  See Note 1 (not written yet)

Technology Used in Teaching

  • How is modern technology used in education today?  FQ See Note 2

  • (Similar to above) What impact does modern technology have on education today?  FQx2

  • (Similar to above) How do you think technology is changing the future of teaching? FQ

  • Do you think that the use of advanced technology in teaching is actually helping the students?

School Subjects / Teachers

  • What are the most popular high school subjects in your country? FQx2

  • And what subjects are the least liked in your country?

  • In general, are the favourite subjects of boys and girls the same? FQ

  • How do you think teachers could make their classes more interesting? FQ

Learning at Different Ages

  • Do you think elderly people are capable of learning new things?


305.  A Family Photograph You Like (Jan. 8, 2011)  Moved to Topic 393 on February 21, 2012  (Probably no longer used)

Describe one of your favourite family photographs. *

                You should say:

who took the photo

when it was taken

where it was taken

how you got this photo *

and explain why you like it. *




  • Sept. 24: People have been reporting that it is a family photograph. Presumably, this means a photograph of your family. Possibly the wording is simply, "Describe photograph of your family that you like."

  • People used to report this as, "Describe a photograph of yours that you like". A "photograph of yours" is one of your photographs, not some photo you've seen on the internet or in a magazine.

  • Some people report that it says "a photo of you", which means a photo with you in the picture. I think this is most likely a mistake. But maybe it would be safest to assume that this is the wording, even if the question wording just says, "a photo of yours". In other words, to be safe, prepare to talk about a photo of you that is yours. But, if the real topic says, "a photo of yours", try to avoid describing a photograph of yourself because that might cause the examiner to think you misunderstood the question.

  • (Note written February 21, 2012) A few people have  reported this as simply, "Describe a photograph you like". If this is the real wording, I think you still should assume it is a photograph that you own, even if the wording now allows you to describe a photo that is not showing a family scene, or members of your family. But staying with a photo of your family would still satisfy the wording, even if it has changed, so it is a safe answer. Since the topic has been in use for more than a year (or, seems to have been in use for more than a year), it is very possible that it was changed at the beginning of January, 2012. But that is not certain because some topics do get used for more than one year.


Possible follow-up questions:


Part 3

See also the Part 3 questions for Topic 33, Topic 110, Topic 161, and Topic 219.

Make sure you know how to pronounce "photography", "photographer" and "photographic".

Photography in General

  • Do you like to take photographs? FQ

  • Do people in your country like to take photographs? FQ

  • What do most people take photographs of?

  • (Similar to above) What do you mostly like to photograph?

  • (Similar to above) What are the occasions when you feel the need to take pictures (= photos)?

Liking / Disliking Taking Photos

  • Why do (some/most) people like to take photographs? FQx2

  • What kinds of people don't (like to) take photos?

  • (Similar to above) Some people don't like taking photographs. Can you suggest any reasons why they might feel that way? FQx2

Photos of People

  • Do you think most people prefer to take photos of each other or photos of scenery?

  • Do you think taking photos of people is important?

  • What is the purpose of taking photos of people?

  • Why do some people dislike having their photo taken? FQ

Qualities of Photographs / Ability of People to Take Good Photos

  • In your opinion, what makes a "good photograph"? FQx2

  • How can a person take good photographs?

  • Do you think people need to be trained in order to take good photographs?

  • (Similar to above) Do you think people need to attend a photography class in order to learn how to take good photographs?

  • Do you think some people are 'naturally' better than others at taking photographs? *

  • Do you think such classes are a good idea? *

Professional Photographers

  • How can a person learn to become an expert photographer?  See Note

  • How do people become professional photographers?  See Note

Keeping Photos

  • How do people keep (or, save) their photos? FQ

  • Why do some people like to keep (almost all) photographs while other people throw away (some of their) photographs? FQ

  • (Similar to above) Why do some people throw away some of their photographs?

  • What kinds of people like to keep (almost all) their photos and what kinds of people throw away (some of their) photos?

  • Do you think that what's in the background of a photograph is important?

  • Are photos the only way a person can keep a memory of an event?

The Uses and Impact of Photographs

  • What kinds of photographs do you like to look at?

  • Do you think photography is very important?

  • What are the benefits of photography?

  • Some people might describe a photograph as "a rare photograph". What do you think they might mean by that?

  • Do you think photographs are important to the study of history (or, important in recording history)?

  • What are the various ways that photographs are used in modern society? FQx2

  • What do you think is the impact on people of big photographs?

  • What do you think is the purpose of including photographs in news stories in newspapers? FQ

  • Is there anything unique (or, special) about those photographs? FQ

  • Some photos of events are quite powerful. How can a photograph have so much power? (Here, "power" = "power to affect the viewer".) (See this photo)

Photography as Art

  • Do you think photographs can ever be considered as art? FQ

  • What kinds of photographs could be considered as art? FQ

  • What do you think is the difference between an artistic photograph and a painting?

Technology for Photography

  • In general, how does a person use a camera to take a photograph? *

  • What are the differences between taking photographs today and in the past?

  • (Similar to above) In what ways is photography ( = taking photos) today different to before? FQ

  • Has photographic equipment changed? (compared to the past)

  • What do you think are the differences between digital photography and the old form of photography?

  • (Similar to above) What do you think are the differences between digital cameras and the older form of cameras? FQ

  • Which do you think is better?

  • Which do you think is produces the better quality of photographs?

  • In general, do you think old people or young people would be better at taking photographs (using hi-tech equipment)?

  • Do you think it's easier to take photos with a modern camera, or more difficult? FQ

  • (Similar to above) Do you think it's easy to use a digital camera? FQ

  • Do you think the self-timer on a camera is a good thing?

  • Besides cameras, what other ways are there for taking photographs?

Computers and Photography

Cell-phones Used for Taking Photos
