Type 2: Adjective + Noun (never joined when written) – STRESS ON THE SECOND WORD
Page 4 K to M
"Word Combination Lists" Start Page Type 2 Start Page Type 2 Page 1 A to C Type 2 Page 2 D to G Type 2 Page 3 H to J Type 2 Page 4 K to M Type 2 Page 5 N to P Type 2 Page 6 Q to S
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last month the last chance the last straw the last train a leading role LIGHT a light frost a light meal a light rain a light workload the light artillery
LIKELY the likely outcome a likely scenario
LINED a lined face
LISTED a listed company
LIVE a live performance a live show a live snake
LIVING a living creature a living thing a living language in living memory living proof a living wage (This is an exception to the rule. Here, "living" is pronounced as an adjective, which would normally mean, "the wage is living". But the meaning is really that of a verbal-noun, i.e., the activity of living. A "living wage" really means a "wage for the activity of living". This should be pronounced the same as the combinations in Table 1 on this page - http://ielts-yasi.englishlab.net/Verb+ing_pronunciation_error.htm ]
LIVELY a lively celebration lively colors
LOADED a loaded question
LOCAL (In these and similar uses of 'local', the word 'local' is only stressed when you want to emphasize a contrast. For example, "a local official, not an official from the national government".) a local official
LOCKED a locked briefcase a locked door a locked gate
LOGICAL logical thinking the logical conclusion
LOOSE a “loose canon” at a "loose end" a loose shirt loose discipline
LONG a "long face" the "long haul" long odds
LONG-TERM a long-term trend
LOST a lost child
LOVELY a lovely girl
LOW the low water mark
MAGIC a/the main road the main course the main entrance the main idea
MAJOR a major achievement a major market a major problem
MALE a male dog
MARKED a marked man
MARRIED a married woman
MASKED a masked bandit a masked man MAXIMIZED maximized effect
MEASURED a measured response
MECHANIZED a mechanized operation
MEMORIZED a memorized answer
MENTAL a mental breakdown a mental handicap a mental note mental ability mental cruelty mental powers
MEDICAL (Many word combinations starting with 'medical' have the Type 1 stress pattern. See Type 9.)
MIGRATORY migratory birds
MILITARY military aggression military expenditure military intelligence the Military Cross
MISLEADING misleading information
MISSING missing luggage
MISSPELLED a misspelled word
MIXED “a mixed bag” mixed feelings mixed nuts
MODERATING a moderating influence (or, a moderating influence)
MODERN a modern building a modern house modern art modern dance modern ideas modern jazz modern society modern times MUSICAL musical chairs