All of the topics that were reported in 2007 are shown in this table.
Inevitably, there are errors in this table. The idea is to get an approximate idea of the overall topic usage.
As with the 2006 table, a "First Date" column, a "Last Date" column and a "Time Used" column are shown.
For those topics that ended in 2007, we see that most topics were used for about 12 months, as in 2006.
However, there were about 12 topics that were first used in January or February that had a very short lifespan - of less than 4 months. Possibly a batch of topics was lost and, as a result, the test managers decided to withdraw those topics completely from the test.
We also see that, until July 2007, the practice of 2006 was continued i.e., a total topic pool of 40 to 45 topics existed at any time and about 15 were chosen for use on any test weekend.
Beginning in July and continuing until the end of the year, we see that the total pool of 40 to 45 topics was used every test weekend.
It seems that most new topics were introduced in the first two tests of January, May and September.