Updated Dec. 13, 2013


Noun + Verbal Noun: Stress on the first word

A verbal-noun can be either the first or the second noun in a "noun + noun" combination. Table 1 (on the previous page) has examples such as, "a washing machine" with the verbal noun being the first word but the table on this page has examples such as, "coal mining", with the verbal noun as the second word. In both cases, the first noun is spoken with the greater stress (= louder than the other word) because both are examples of "noun + noun", which usually has the first word spoken stronger.

Notice that most of the examples on this page are activities (e.g., coal mining) but most of the examples in Table 1 are things (e.g., a washing machine). However, words such as "wood carving" and "sand painting" can be both the activity or the product of that activity – "carving" and "painting" can be things, as well as activities.

This table is placed on a separate page because it might confuse you if it was placed on the previous page. The previous page, (the main page), is trying to show you that when "verb + ing" is the first word in a two-word combination, this "verb + ing" can be either a noun or an adjective.


 belly aching

 distance learning  a stock rating
 sand blasting

 money laundering

 a credit rating

 glass blowing

 money lending

 a popularity rating

 whistle blowing


 a safety rating

 shadow boxing

 cabinet making

 an approval rating



 lip reading

 body building

 decision making

 horse riding

 bridge building

 film making

 bell ringing

 character building

 glass making

 profit seeking

 nation building  law making  typesetting

 ship building


 power sharing

 team building


 profit sharing

 bone carving

 mischief making

 figure skating

 ice carving

 money making

 ice skating

 rock carving

 news making

 speed skating


 profit making

 roller skating

 rock climbing

 coal mining

 dog sledding
 belly dancing

 data mining



 gold mining


 folk dancing

 face painting

 caber tossing

 line dancing  finger painting

 circuit training

 morris dancing

 house painting

 potty training

 pole dancing

 sand painting

 toilet training

 rap dancing

 blood poisoning

 weight training

 tap dancing

 food poisoning

 arms trafficking

 drug dealing  fingerprinting

 drug trafficking

 speed dialing

 data processing

 people trafficking

 scuba diving

 word processing

 power walking

 skin diving

 auto racing

 house warming

 binge drinking

 camel racing


 dairy farming

 drag racing


 a beer-drinking festival

 dog racing

 hand washing

 fly fishing

 greyhound racing

 bird watching

 a peacekeeping force

 horse racing  

  rice growing

 motor racing


 fox hunting

 motorcycle racing  breadwinning
 house hunting

 car racing

 bungee jumping

 child raising (= child rearing)


 show jumping

 flag raising



 fund raising



 poultry raising



ballroom dancing (交际舞)  This is Type 4b where the meaning is, "dancing in the ballroom", which is similar in meaning to, "dancing of the ballroom" ("舞厅的跳舞", which we don't really say in English) or, "dancing for the ballroom".