Updated May 8, 2008


A List of 'Compare Questions' that are on this Website


Part 3 Questions, Page 4


Part 2 Topic Number 

Part 3 Topic


 101 News
  • What are the different ways that people use to get their news?
 102 Parks in the countryside
  • What are some differences between parks in cities and those in the countryside? 
 103 Raising children in China
  • Are there any differences today in the way children are brought up, compared to years ago?
 103 Children at school (pre-school & primary school)
  • How do you think present-day preschool education is different to that of years ago?
 104 People who help each other
  • What are some differences between 'government social services' and private charitable organizations?
 104 Community spirit
  • Do neighbours today have the same kinds of relationship with each other that they used to have many years ago?
 105 Letters in the business world
  • What are the differences between business letters and personal letters?
 106 Friendships
  • Compare spending time with one's friends and with one's family? 
  • Similar to above) Compare the things you do with your family with the things you do with your friends.
  • (Similar to above) Compare people's relationships with their families and their relationships with friends.
  • What do children think about friendship? What about adults? (Compare them.)
  • Do you think the quality of friendships today is different to the quality of friendships that people had a few decades ago?
 106 Relationships other than friendships
  • Compare the different human relationships that people have in school with the different kinds of relationships people have in the workplace.
 106 Work relationships
  • Compare the friendships that people have at work with the friendships people have at school.
  • (Similar to above) Compare friendships and relationships that people have with colleagues at work.
  • Compare spending time with one's boss and with one's friends (or workmates/work colleagues).
  • (Similar to above) Compare one's relationship with one's friends (or workmates/work colleagues) and with one's boss.

 108 Traditions & culture
  • Compare traditional Chinese clothes with modern clothes worn in China.
  • Compare traditional events and celebrations in China with modern events and celebrations.
  • Are young people as interested in traditional events as older people?
  • Compare modern weddings in China with traditional Chinese weddings (i.e., weddings many years ago).
  • What are some examples of traditions in China that are different to those in the West?
 109 Success
  • Are there different types of "success"?
 110 Technology & photographs
  • Compare old cameras with those in use today.
  • Compare old photographs and new photographs.
  • (Similar to above) How can one distinguish between an old photograph and a recent one?
  • How has photography (or, photographic technology) changed over the past few decades?
  • Compare the photos that you take with those that professional photographers take.
  • (Similar to above) Compare the photos that professional photographers take and the photos that amateur photographers take.
  • (Similar to above) What do you think is the difference between an amateur photographer and a professional photographer?
  • Some people prefer to take still photographs while others prefer to take videos. Why?
  • Similar to above) Why do more and more people take videos instead of still photographs?
  • (Similar to above) Compare videos and still photographs.
  • (Similar to above) Why do many people now prefer to use a video recorder instead of a camera?
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of storing photos in digital form and storing them in a traditional photo album?
 110 Photographs as art
  • Compare a typical family photograph and an artistic photograph.
  • Compare art photographs and ordinary, everyday photographs.
  • Compare painting pictures and taking photographs (as art forms).
  • Which leaves a deeper impression on people, a picture or a written description of some event or scene?
 110 The purpose of photographs
  • When you look at photographs in magazines and when you look at photos that you have taken yourself, do you have the same kind of feelings (or, thoughts)?
 111 Dealing with environmental problems
  • Compared to years ago, how do think China's environmental problems have changed?
  • Compared to before, do you think people's awareness (consciousness) of environmental problems has increased or decreased? (How? Why?)
  • Do older people in China have the same attitudes towards the environment as young people?
 111 Waste disposal
  • Compare how waste is disposed of today and how it used to be disposed of many years ago.
  • Do young people & older people have the same attitudes towards waste disposal? (E.g., attitudes towards recycling, and towards what should be thrown away & what should be kept.)
 112 Travel & migration
  • When people move to another country (migrate to another country), what changes do you think take place in their lives, compared to their lives before they left home?
 112 Travel destinations
  • How have attitudes about international travel changed in China in the past 20 years?
  • Compare the types of travel destinations that people your age choose and the destinations that people your parents' age choose.
  • Compare the types of travel destinations that people your age choose and the destinations that people your parents' age choose.
  • Compare the travel destinations that city people prefer and the travel destinations that rural dwellers prefer.
  • Why do many people (i.e., city people) prefer to travel to places of natural beauty rather than travel to another city?
  • Compare tourism today in China to, say, thirty years ago.
  • People from one kind of place are often different to people from a different kind of place. Can you give some examples of this and possibly explain why they are different?
 114 The internet in education
  • Do you prefer using the internet to find information or do you prefer using a library? (Answer & compare the two.)
 114 The internet in society
  • Today, different groups or different types of people in society all use the internet. Why do you think this is the case?
  • Some people say that different age groups have different tastes on internet content. What do you think?
  • Both the invention of printing and the invention of the internet were major inventions. Which one do you think had the biggest influence on people (on society)? 
 116 Weddings
  • Compare the advantages of small wedding celebrations and large wedding celebrations. 
  • Compare modern weddings in China with traditional Chinese weddings (i.e., weddings many years ago).
  • Do you know of any differences between weddings in China and those in the West (=overseas)?
 116 Married Life
  • Who do you think should be more responsible for the education of children in the home (or, the upbringing of the children), the father or the mother?
  • Do you think one's marriage is more important than one's career?
  • In Chinese families, do men and women share the housework equally? 
 116 Maintaining a sense of family
  • In general, how important are special family events, compared with public events (i.e., events for the whole of society)?
 117 Restaurants & the food they serve
  • Does the food in the restaurant you just talked about (in Part 2) taste different to Western food? (Compare the two)
  • How is restaurant food different to home cooking?
 120 Heroes & role models
  • Compare the heroes of young people several years ago (e.g., 20 to 50 years ago) to the heroes of young people today.
 120 Child rearing
  • How is the way children are brought up today in China different to when your parents were young?
 121 Shopping
  • Compare big shops such as supermarkets & department stores with small shops.
 122 Urban & rural areas
  • Compare people who live in cities with people who live in rural areas.
 123 Friendship
  • Is there any difference to the way you make friends now, compared to when you were a child?
  • (Similar to above) Are there any differences between childhood friends and friends in adulthood?
  • What do you think is the difference between a 'close friends' and a 'best friend'?
  • How is the way people make friends today different to the way people made friends years ago?
  • Do you think it's easier to make friends today than it used to be?
  • Do children and adults make friends in the same way?
 125 Happiness & happy events
  • Is there any difference to the way you make friends now, compared to when you were a child?
  • Do young people and old(er) people find happiness from the same things? (Compare the two.)
  • Are the things (or, the events) that make people happy today the same as several decades ago?
 125 Memories
  • Do you think that what most people remember about the past is accurate, compared to what really happened?
  • Compare the memories that older people have with the memories that young people have about childhood experiences?
 125 History
  • Compare learning about one's national history (or, one's local history) with learning about world history.
  • (Similar to above) Which do you think is more important for children to study at school, their nation's history (or local history) or world history?
 127 Schoolwork
  • Do you think teachers with different personalities can affect the students differently?
 129 Tourism
  • During their holiday time, do most people in China prefer to stay at home and relax or do they prefer to travel?
  • (Similar to above) How would you compare relaxing at home to traveling as a way to spend one's holidays?
  • Which group of people do you think prefers to relax at home - old people or young people? Why?
 129 Holidays (vacations) from work
  • Do people with different kinds of jobs choose different kinds of travel destinations?
  • When relaxing, what's the difference between traveling and staying at home?
 131 Punctuality
  • Do young people (e.g., 15 -25 years old) and older people (e.g., over 30 years old) have the same attitudes towards punctuality?
  • (Similar to above but not the same) Do young people and old people (e.g., over 60 years old) have the same attitudes towards punctuality?
  • Do you think that ideas about being 'on time' are the same in the West and in China?
  • (Similar to above) Do you think that ideas about being 'on time' are the same in different cultures (or, different countries)?
 131 The importance of time
  • Do young people and old people have the same ideas about (the importance of) time?
  • Do you think Western people and Chinese people have the same ideas about (the importance of) time?
  • Do people today and people many years ago have the same ideas about (the importance of) time?
  • Do rural people and urban people have the same ideas about (the importance of) time?
 133 Children & teenagers in China
  • What's the difference between children and teenagers?
  • In what ways do you think teenagers in China are different to those in the Western countries? 
  • How is the life of teenagers (or children) today different to what it was 20 or 30 years ago?
  • Do young children and teenagers have the same attitudes towards older people?
 134 Pets
  • Which place do you think is better for keeping animals, the city or the countryside?
  • What animals are more suited to city life and what animals are more suited to country life? (Compare & contrast them.)
  • Have there been any changes in China on the question of pets in the past few years? In other words, are there any differences between today and a few decades ago on the question of keeping a pet at home?
 134 The relationship between Humans and wild animals
  • Do you think that the way animals are portrayed in books today is different to the way they were portrayed many years ago?
  • Do people today treat animals the same as they used to do, several decades ago? 
 136 Children & music
  • What effects do different kinds of music have on children?
 136 Music in modern society
  • What are some of the different places where modern people go to listen to music?
  • Which one do you prefer? (Why?)
  • Does traditional (Chinese) music still have an important role in China today?
 138 Hospitality
  • When you have guests, do you think it is better to eat at home or to go to a restaurant? (Answer the basic question & compare the two.)
 138 Accommodation when travelling
  • When you travel to another city, do you prefer to stay in a hotel or with friends? (Why?)
  • For visitors to your hometown, what different choices of accommodation are there?
  • How have hotels in China changed in the past 20 years or so?
 138 Visitors to Your Home/Hometown/Home Country
  • In English, sometimes we say, "When in Rome, do as the Romans do." Do you agree with that? (Why?/Why not?)

  • (Similar to above) Do you think people should change their behaviour, for example, the way they relate to other people, when they visit a place that has a different culture?

 139 Work in China
  • What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of hiring young people and of hiring older people for work?
  • Do you think different occupations should be paid different salaries?
  • How do young people and older people relate to each other in the same workplace? 
 140 Water resources
  • Is the way people use water today the same as the way people used to use water, say, 30 or 50 years ago?
 141 News magazines & newspapers
  • Is the news that we get from different parts of the world different?
 141 Information Communication Technology - The Media
  • What are some of the main differences between getting information from magazines and getting information from other media such as TV or the internet?
 142 Private gardens
  • If you had your own personal garden, which would you prefer to grow, vegetables or flowers? (Why?)
  • Do you think people should grow food or flowers in their gardens? (Compare the importance/value of the two.)
 144 Exercise & the modern lifestyle
  • Compared to a few decades ago, do you think modern people do more or less exercise?
  • (Similar to above) How has the sport that people engage in (in China) changed, compared to a few decades ago?
 144 Sport
  • How do you think international level athletes are different to average people (or, average, weekend athletes who engage in sports competition just for fun)? (Compare them.)
  • How are the physical skills of men and those of women different? (Hints: strength, endurance, aggressiveness, agility, gracefulness ... )
  • Do you think boys and girls should play the same kinds of sports? (Why?/Why not?)
  • (Similar to above) Do you think boys and girls should compete against each other or play together on the same sports teams?
 145 Films
  • Films in cinemas are all for entertainment. How do you think these films compare with documentary videos or documentary TV shows?
  • (Similar to above) What are the differences between documentary films and films purely for entertainment?
 147 Studying & Working Conditions
  • How has teaching (in China) changed, compared to several decades ago?
 148 Possessions
  • Do old(er) people and young people have the same attitudes towards the things they own?
  • Do adults and children have the same attitudes towards the things they own?
 149 Inventions
  • Compare the products that are made in China with similar products produced overseas.
 149 Industrial design
  • Which do you think is more useful, a simple design or a complex design? (Compare them & say why.)
 149 Electrical appliances in the home
  • How was housework many decades ago different to housework today?