Written Nov. 5, 2008
How To Speak in Part 2 (Page 10)
Do I Have to Tell the Truth?
you don't have to tell the truth in your Part 2 answer!
fact, you don't have to tell the truth in the whole Speaking test, except for
the first 4, introductory questions.) Examiners know that there are times when
candidates cannot think of a real story from their lives that fits a Part 2
topic. It is much better to make up a story that is not true than to sit there
silently because you can't think of an example for the Part 2 question from your
own life.
are some advantages and disadvantages to making up a story that is completely
untrue. For example, for a true story, you don't have to think too much about
details; you only need to think about expressing them in English. But for a
fictional story, you have to both think of ideas and how to
express these ideas in English. Doing two things instead of one might slow you
down. As well as that, people who are poor actors or people who are not used to
'telling lies' sometimes can't hide the fact that the story is not true and,
sitting there grinning because what you say is untrue can damage the
effectiveness of your story.
suggest you think about this issue of how truthful your story should be and test
yourself to see how well you really can speak, and how comfortable you feel when
you tell a completely fictional story but pretending it is true.
example of a topic where I think most people would need to tell a fictional
story is the Part 2 example from the IELTS Handbook. This topic is, "Describe
a teacher who has greatly influenced you in your education."
Personally, I cannot think of any real teachers who greatly
influenced me in my education; I can think of two or three who influenced me a
little bit but that is not the same as 'greatly' and I think I am probably
typical. (Great influence means there was great change; small influence results
in small change and no influence means no change. The IELTS test loves the twin,
related topics of 'influence' and 'change'.)