Common Errors of English Learners - Quiz

Answers and Explanations


Correct answers are highlighted in green




a) This job fits me.

b) This job suits me.


"Fit" is usually used to talk about matters of size. For example, "These shoes fit me" = "These shoes are the right size; they are not too small or too big."




A hot, dry place =

a) a dessert

b) a desert




Which is a food?

a) soap

b) soup




Not old; (ÏÖ´ú). Which is the correct spelling?

a) modern

b) mordern

c) morden




Tell me about an interesting place in China that you have visited.

a) I've ever been to Shanghai. There have many tall buildings.

b) I've been to Shanghai, which has many tall buildings.

c) I went to Shanghai. There have many tall buildings at there.

d) I had ever been to Shanghai. There are many tall buildings in there.




a) I like ping-pong ball and I watch TV to relax myself.

b) I like play ping-pong ball and I always watch TV to relax myself.

c) I like to play ping-pong and I watch TV to relax.

d) I like play ping-pong ball and I always watched TV to relax myself.


"Ping pong ball" is the actual ball, not the name of the game.

English has several verbs that can be followed by "myself" (and "yourself", "herself", "himself", "oneself", "ourselves", "themselves") but the verb "relax" is NOT followed by one of those words. (= It is not reflexive.) However, you can give a massage to someone else (or play gentle music for them etc.) and "relax them", "relax him" or "relax her".




a) I visited my grandmother and I stayed at her home. She gave me a lot of advice.

b) I visited my grandmother and I stayed her home. She gave me much advice.

c) I visited to my grandmother and I stayed her home. She gave me lots of advice.

d) I visited to my grandmother and I stayed her home. She gave me many advices.




¡°I¡¯m tired today because I ¡­

a) ¡­ go to bed lately yesterday night.¡±

b) ¡­ go to my bed lately last night.¡±

c) ¡­ got onto my bed late at night . ¡±

d) ¡­ went to bed lately last night. ¡±

e) ¡­ went to my bed later yesterday night. ¡±

f) ¡­ went to bed late last night. ¡±

g) ¡­ went to my bed late yesterday night. ¡±




a)  He likes listen the music and play computer game.

  He likes listening to music and playing computer games.

c)  He like listening to music and using the computer.

d)  He like listening to the music and play computer.

e)  He likes listening to musics and plays computer game.

f)  He likes listen to music and playing computer.




a)  I¡¯m a 23-year-old Chinese man.

  I¡¯m a 23-years¨Cold Chinese young man.

c)  I¡¯m a 23-years-old Chinese youth.

d)  I¡¯m a 23 year old Chinese youngster.

e)  I¡¯m a 23 years old Chinese boy.

f)   I¡¯m a 23-year-old Chinese boy.




a)  Last week I have seen the new movie.

b)  Last week I saw the new film.

c)  Last week I had seen the new film

d)  Last week I had seen the new movie.

e)  Last week I watch the new film.


Except for b), all of the answers have an error. But b) is only correct if the reader or listener knows which new film of if there is only one new film.





a)  I have one brother and one sister and they can both play the piano.

b)  I have one brother and one sister and we can both play the piano.

c)  I have one brother and one sister and they can¡¯t all play the piano.

d)  I have one brother and one sister and none of them can play the piano.




What¡¯s your favourite animal?

a)  I like dog.

b)  I like the dog.

c)  I like dogs.

d)  I like the dogs.

e)  I prefer the dog.

f)  I prefer dog.


"I like dog" = "I like to eat dog meat" = "I like to eat the meat (or flesh) of dogs."  Other examples - "I like to eat rabbit" and, "I like to eat chicken." But for some animals there is a special word for the meat of that animal: e.g., beef, mutton, veal, lamb, pork, ham, venison . . .





a)  Harbin is north of China.

b)  Harbin lies north of China.

c)  Harbin is north of the China.

d)  Harbin is in the north of China.

e)  Harbin is in north of China.

f)   Harbin in the north of China¡¯s.


a), "Harbin is north of China" means, "Harbin is to the north of China" = "Harbin is outside of China". North Korea and Eastern Russia (Siberia) are north of China and Vietnam is south of China. d), "in the north of China" = "in the north(ern) part of China".




a)  I don¡¯t memorize his name.

b)  I can¡¯t memorize his name.

c)  I¡¯m not recall his name.

d)  I haven¡¯t remembered his name.

e)  I can¡¯t remember his name.




a)  On Sundays I usually went shopping.

b)  On Sundays I usually went to shopping.

c)  On Sundays I usually have gone to shopping.

d)  On Sundays I usually went to the shopping.

e)  On Sundays I usually go shopping.

f)  On Sundays I usually go to shopping.




a)  None of the doors has a lock.

b)  No door has any lock.

c)  No door has the lock.

d)  Every door doesn¡¯t have a lock.

e)  Each door doesn¡¯t have a lock.

f)  All of the doors don¡¯t have locks.


f)  might seem correct but in English we don't normally say, "all + don't + verb". Instead, we say, "none + verb".




a)  She¡¯s rich so she needn¡¯t money.

b)  She¡¯s rich so she needn¡¯t any money.

c)  She¡¯s rich so she needn¡¯t some money.

d)  She¡¯s rich so she doesn¡¯t need any money.

e)  She¡¯s rich so she doesn¡¯t need some money.

f)  She¡¯s rich so she didn¡¯t to need any money.





a)  Yellow River is the famous river in China.

b)  Yellow River is a famous river in China.

c)  Yellow River is China¡¯s famous river.

d)  The Yellow River is a famous river in China.

e)  The Yellow River is a famous river in the China.





What would you do if you had 10 million yuan?

a)   If I had 10 million yuan I will buy a new home for my parents.

b)   If I have 10 million yuan I want to buy a new home for my parents.

c)   If I possessed 10 million yuan I want to buy a new home for my parents.

d)   When I had 10 million yuan I would buy a new home for my parents.

e)   If I had 10 million yuan I would buy a new home for my parents.




a)  I couldn¡¯t find a job because I didn¡¯t have the work experiences.

b)  I can¡¯t find a job because I didn¡¯t have the work experience.

c)  I couldn¡¯t find a job because I didn¡¯t have any work experiences.

d)  I couldn¡¯t find a job because I didn¡¯t have any work experience.

e)  I can¡¯t find the job because I don¡¯t have some work experiences.

f)  I can¡¯t find some job because I don¡¯t have any work experiences.




a)  When I was sad I always listen to the music.

b)  When I¡¯m sad I always listen to the music.

c)  When I¡¯m sad I always listen to music.

d)  When I feel sadly I always listen to music.

e)  When I was sadly I always listen to music.





a)  When I go to the Canada I can practice more English.

b)  After I go to Canada I can practice more English.

c)  When I go to the Canada I¡¯ll be able to practice more English.

d)  When I go to Canada I¡¯ll be able to practice more English.

e)  When I go to Canada I could practice more English.

f)  After I go to Canada I would practice more English.


Although you might occasionally hear native English speakers use, "can" when talking about the future, it's best to use "can" only for the present tense. "Must" is similar.

  Past  Present  Future
 could, was/were able to  can; be able to  will be able to
 had to  must; have to  will have to




a)  When I was a childhood I must feed the pigs every morning.

b)  In my childhood time I must to feed the pigs every morning.

c)  When I was a child I must feed the pigs every morning.

d)  When I was a child I had to feed the pigs every morning.

e)  When I was a child I was fed the pigs every morning.

f)  When I was a child I have fed the pigs every morning.





a)  I hope to learn much knowledge.

b)  I wish to learn much knowledge.

c)  I hope to learn a lot of knowledge.

d)  I wish to learn a lot of acknowledge.

e)  I hope to learn a lot.


In English, "knowledge" = what you already know. You cannot "learn" what you already know but you can expand, increase, improve, add to etc. your knowledge.




Who is the most famous of China¡¯s emperors?  

a)  The Kangxi in Qing Dynasty; he is the greatest.

b)  Kanxi in the Qing Dynasty; he is the greatest.

c)  The Kanxi in the Qing Dynasty; he is the greatest.

d)  Kanxi in the Qing Dynasty; he was the greatest.

e)  Kanxi in Qing Dynasty; he was the greatest.





a)  She looks very tiredly.

b)  She look very tiredly.

c)  She very looks tired.

d)  She looks like very tiredly.

e)  She looks like very tired.

f)  She looks very tired.





a)   I often play with my friends in the weekend.

b)   I often play with my friends every weekend.

c)   I often spend time with my friends on the weekend.

d)   I always play with my friends on the weekend.

e)   I often hang out with my friends on weekends.


e) is not wrong but has a particular meaning - To "hang out" includes the idea of having no aims, i.e., nothing to do while looking for something to do and usually it is rather immature teenagers who "hang out". For example, "The teenagers in this town have very little to do - they just hang out at tthe shopping mall after school and on weekends."

If you want to give the impression in the IELTS test of being a rather casual or even a "cool" teenager who is not very serious about anything then "hang out" might be suitable for you. But if you are a well-educated professional person then it would not suit you unless you really do spend time with your friends with no particular idea of what to do and you simply do whatever takes your fancy (= do whatever catches your interest) to pass the time. Visiting your friends to just chat and have a cup of tea or coffee or a beer is not really the same as simply "hanging out" with them, although it is close to that. But people who do that are not usually aimless and looking for something to do to pass the time.




a)  The girls almost like him.

b)  Girls almostly all like him.

c)  Almost the girls like him.

d)  All most the girls like him.

e)  Most girls all like him.

f)  The girls mostly like him.

g)  Almost all the girls like him.





You don't have a car, do you?

a)  No, I haven¡¯t.

b)  Yes, I haven¡¯t.

c)  No, I don¡¯t.

d)  Yes, I don¡¯t.

e)  Yes, I do.

f)   Yes, I have.


d) is incorrect because, in English we don't mix a positive "Yes" with a negative, "don't". C) is correct because both "No" and "don't" are negative. Similarly, e) is correct because both "Yes" and "do" are positive. (Another word for "positive" when referring to grammar is, "affirmative".)

Continue to the Answers for Questions 31-50