Written May 18, 2008


Answers to Fill-in Exercise (Comparing Two Things)


Fill-in Exercise

Choose the most suitable comparative adjective to fill in each empty space.

a) more convenient   b) more functional   c) more necessary   d) less strict  e) more up-to-date   f) less interested   g) more sophisticated   h) more competitive   i) slower-paced   j) more spacious   k) more attractively   l) greater   m) less developed   n) quieter   p) simpler   q) more professional   r) more mellow   s) friendlier  


1. Men are usually much f) less interested in shopping than women. Men go shopping in order to buy what they need but a lot of women find enjoyment in the shopping experience itself – they’re not just interested in getting what they need. 

2. In general, grandparents are d) less strict with their grandchildren than the parents. I guess it’s because they have a r) more mellow attitude towards life. 

3. Generally speaking, city people are o) better educated and g) more sophisticated than country people. 

4. The countryside is certainly n) quieter than the city but some small cities in China are quite noisy. 

5. Children today do face more challenges than children of my parents’ generation, one of the reasons being that life today is h) more competitive than it used to be. 

6. Modern apartments are j) more spacious than those built 40 or 50 years ago. 

7. Modern buildings are usually k) more attractively designed than those built a few years ago. 

8. The information in magazines is usually e) more up-to-date than that in books because new editions of magazines are published every few weeks. 

9. There’s a l) greater emphasis on the quality of life in cities than there is in rural areas. 

10.Office furniture is usually p) simpler and b) more functional than home furniture. 

11.Practical skills are c) more necessary for everyday life than academic skills. 

12.Customer service in department stores and big supermarkets is usually q) more professional than it is in small, family-owned shops. On the other hand, if you're a regular customer at a small shop, the owner is usually s) friendlier than the employees at the big shops. 

13.It’s a) more convenient for me to take the subway than to go to work by bus. 

14.Life when my parents were young was i) slower-paced than it is today. 

15.The educational and health facilities in the countryside are m) less developed compared to those in the big cities such as Beijing.
